Friday, May 30, 2014

Watermelon Table Topper for Summer (with a tutorial) & UPDATE

I was looking for something cute and seasonal to make for a friend's birthday when I was inspired by a darling table topper in my Summer Fun Pinterest Collection. 
 I still need to buy some black embroidery floss to add some "seeds".
I made another watermelon topper and did it a little different so will include some instructions in my tutorial for version B.

It would be very cute to give along with a watermelon candle.  If you're really ambitious here's a site that has a tutorial for making these darling watermelon candles!
Click here to learn to make your own!
Here's the topper from Pinterest and the original post is from Yvonne's blog here. She does beautiful work!
Here is the pattern by Shelley Robson at All People Quilt, that Yvonne used. 
At first, I didn't find the pattern and so I made my own and I'll share the tutorial with you, although I'm sure you might want to check out Shelley's tutorial above.

Finished size is 13" x 22"

Version A 1. Cut 13 strips of reds 2" x 13".
2.  Cut cream color strip on the bias 36" x 1 1/4" long.  

3.  Cut 2" x 38" for binding in green (not shown) 

*4.  Cut red strip 2" x 21" (Version A)
5.  Backing 14 x 22"
Version B:  Cut 18 strips 1 1/2" x 13" ; cream color strip on the bias 36" x 1 1/4" long; 2" x 28" for binding in green.  Backing.
Both Versions:  Sew red strips together.

Both Versions: Cut a watermelon shaped curve.
First attempt at cutting the curved edge.  (I used the large scallop on a scallop edge ruler for a template but wanted the curve more like the Pinterest one.)

I sketched the curve I wanted on paper and then took a pen which erases when you iron it (Frixion) and drew the curve and then cut one side.

Fold over so you can cut the identical curve on the other side.

Both Versions:  Sew the 1 1/4" cream color bias piece to the bottom edge of the watermelon slice.

Press out and this forms the white part of the rind.
 *Version B top edge:  (cut backing about 1" bigger than front)
Place front and back, right sides together at the top edge.  Stitch across the top edge.  Fold right sides out and press
Lay the batting inside (be sure to really get it up to the top edge)

Version A: Layer batting, backing and straight stitch along each strip and along the "rind" seam.
Version B:  Quilt as desired.  On this one I used a machine stitch
Stitch #22, but I lengthened it to 2mm and also made it wider to 7mm
Since I don't usually use my machine fancy stitches, I was happy to find a use for one of them.

I was really happy with getting a different look.

Version A: *If you prefer to bind the top edge with red, do so now.  Note: I added a strip of cream to each side of my red binding but it makes a thick seam at that point.
 FINISHING Both Versions

Apply the green binding (fold in the ends for a finished edge).  Embroider or add black heart shape buttons for the "seeds"

And you have a happy summer table topper!
Go to the following sites to link up your projects and see what everyone else is linking too!
I'm linking up with Sarah at Can I Get a Whoop Whoop @  Confessions of a Fabric Addict
Also with Amanda Jean at Crazy Mom Quilts
And with Elizabeth at Such a Sew and Sew:  A Stitch in Time
May Finishes


Jeneta said...

That is the cutest table topper! Those watermelon lollies have me salivating!!

Astrid said...

What a cute table topper! Love it!

Brandy said...

So nice, this would make such a nice gift if someone wanted to give one to a host/hostess for a BBQ or some other summer event. I may need to make up a couple to just have on hand!

Valentines, Ribbons, and Bows

I wanted to publish before the holiday and may not get this complete so will go ahead and publish for now and update later. I wanted to make...