Basket Fun
Reversible Baskets

Independence Day Projects:
Triangle quilt and reworked pillow

Table runner for retirement gift
6 1/2" unfinished stars with a tutorial

One for me and one for a friend.  Copied idea from Connecting Threads pattern

Stars and Stripes Pillow

Red, white, and Blue

St. Patricks Day
I participated in a Bloghop at Susie's Sunroom.  Susie created this pattern which is available on Craftsy for $2.99.  Here's my post which links to Susie's blog with the details of her pattern and also 6 other quilter's who also created their own versions of Susie's pillow.

Check Susie's blogpost here for my post which includes the link to the free paper pieced pattern I used for my shamrocks.

When I took out my bin of St. Patrick's day decorations, I found my shamrock table topper I made last year and this photo is better than the ones I took last year.  But the next couple pictures are linked to my post last year with the info. for the free pattern.


Some Valentines:
I started this project last year and now it's completed!
2015 Project:
Sweet Hearts Mini Quilt:  Tutorial from Jera at Quilting in the Rain

Some Valentine Projects
Original Post is here.  The Nordic Mini, made in December. Since it has hearts it doubles for both Christmas and Valentine's Day.  You can find the wonderful tutorial from The Crafty Quilter here.
Original post and tutorial for this dimensional heart sweat shirt here.
Original post and tutorials for Valentine table topper and heart pillow projects here.

Scrappy little heart pin cushion.  Original post and tutorial here.
Here is a little stack of Hawaiian fabrics bought while visiting Maui.

I purchased polycotton because the fabrics were much more vibrant and lovely.  The clerk said that it was okay to quilt with polycotton as long as you only use other polycottons since 100% cotton will shrink and polycotton will not. 
A note about sewing with polycotton:  At first it was a challenge because the tension wasn't right and the stitch was not good.  After trying to fix the tension with no luck, I consulted google.  
1.  You must not sew with dull needles (I changed mine twice with this project).

2.  Use polyester thread.
Here is a link to the tutorial I used to make this:

You can find a tutorial for this little coin purse here.

This is a gallery of art projects, using all sorts of mediums.

I did this painting of a hunter whose just killed an elk back when I was about 20 years old (1979).  It was a gift to my dad since he loved to hunt.  I think I used water color and or acrylic paint.  I copied it from a painting by Charles Russell.  Bad glare--I need to rephotograph this when I get a chance.

I did this large mural in pastels for a Church party (theme medieval times) 2012

When my youngest was about 10, we decided to paint life size animals around the walls of her bedroom.  One of my daughters painted the lion.  They are now gone under a layer of primer and purple paint now so I'm glad I got some photos!

Some Christmas cards for 2013

Fentons Painting (companion gift for twins Bailey and Abigail) 2013

My button for the quilts in the Pumpkin Patch Blog Hop September 2013.  I also created a tutorial for making the button (see tutorial page for link)

UP painting gifted to Bailey and Abigail 2012.
Labels for Cookie Mix and Banana Bread Mix in a Jar (I should add that to the tutorial page)

1 comment:

Alenushka22222 said...

Perfectly! I very like!)))

Double Irish Chain Completed on March 17th

Where did the time go?  I thought I'd published this but must've forgotten. Quilted and bound. Before quilting and binding Also comp...