Thursday, June 16, 2016

Red, White, and Blue Gifts

My best friend's birthday is in a few days and I almost have her gift ready.
As I quilted the wavy pattern back and forth, I thought of the ocean and then patriotic lyrics and tunes started going through my mind and I thought "From Sea to Shining Sea" might be a good name for the quilt.  It still needs binding.  Did you notice that the inside stars are also double pinwheels and then I added flying geese to make Big stars?  So each block is a double pinwheel, double star block.

I'm also making a quilt for her new grandson.  
His dad and grandpa are fishermen in Alaska and I had a Charm pack called "Catch of the Day" and made up this pattern with some stars and a few 9 patches.  I'm going to add some big borders so  it'll be nice sized.

The thing that's holding me up is packing to move to my new house. 
After 33 years I have way too much stuff!  Here's my new kitchen!


Rosemary B❤️ said...

Ilove the two quilty projects
I love your kitchen too. Are you downsizing?
hubbs and I are working on that. We have a huge house and I am ready to go. Sick of yard work, sick of 4 bathrooms etc etc

Anonymous said...

Such a gorgeous kitchen. Congratulations! Love the red, white and blue colors of the quilt very gorgeous.

Valentines, Ribbons, and Bows

I wanted to publish before the holiday and may not get this complete so will go ahead and publish for now and update later. I wanted to make...