Saturday, October 14, 2017

Sneak Peak at Charming Flowers and Vines

The deadline is looming to finish a retirement quilt for a very good coworker friend.  Here are a few sneak peeks

  I got it all loaded on the Q'nique 21 yesterday and started quilting.
I have some brief instructions for this Star Flower...
And for these Posies, Leaves and Vines.  

Star Flowers

1.  Cut 3 flower fabric 4 3/4" squares. (or cut (1) 4 3/4" and (1) 9" x 4 3/4")

2.  Make 6 half square triangles (HSTs) see instructions below

3.  Cut (1) green square 4 3/4" and make (2) green/white HSTs
4.  Cut (4) 4 3/4" background squares for the corners
5.  Arrange as shown below and sew together

To make the six (HSTs), I have two methods.
First method:  Yields 2 HSTs.

1.  Cut (2) 5 1/4" squares (one colored square and one background fabric)

2.  draw a diagonal line on the wrong side of one of the squares.
3.  Place right sides together (RST) and Sew 1/4" from the line on each side of the line
4.  Cut on the line, press open and trim to 4 3/4"  
Second Method:  Yields 4 HSTs
1.  Cut (2) 7 3/8" squares (one colored fabric and one background fabric)
2.  Place (RST) and sew around the perimeter of the square (1/4" seam allowance)
3.  Cut diagonally twice (corner to corner)
4.  Press open and trim to 4 3/4"

Vines and Leaves

To make the vines, cut 1" strips on the bias, connect with a angled seam (to prevent bulk).  Pull through this bias tape maker and press with a little steam as you go.  Yields 1/2" bias tape you can then position into the curving shape you like and stitch down with your favorite applique method.
To make the leaves
1.  Cut out leaves in your choice of shape and size.  Place RST with a backing fabric (you could use muslin or the same fabric you cut your leaves from)

2.  Sew together leaving a scant 1/4" seam

3.  Make little clips in the backing fabric and pull out the right side.

4.  Press, rolling the backing in a little 
4 1/2" block (unfinished)

CUT for each posie
1.  (3) 2 1/2" squares (flower fabric)
2.  (2) 1 1/2" back ground fabric
3.  (1) 1 1/2" green fabric
4.  Stem:  1 3/4" back ground square (cut diagonally) and 1" x 2 1/4" green strip
5.  (5) 1 3/8" back ground squares (draw a diagonal line on each

Snow ball three corners of each 2 1/2" square
1.  Place the 1 3/8" back ground square on corner as shown, leaving about 1/4".
2.  Sew (green stitching) inside the diagonal line (red)
3.  cut on the red line (you can use this triangle piece for another corner as shown)
Sew Stem piece together as shown and trim to 1 1/2" square
Sew the other 1 1/2" pieces together as shown

Sew all 4 pieces together and trim to 4 1/2" square
I'll share the completed quilt in a couple weeks!  Linking up at Crazy Mom Quilts


Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Wow, beautiful quilt, beautiful quilting!

Monica said...

What a beautiful gift that will always be treasured! You are a talented quilter!

Two Chicks and a Mom said...

You do the loveliest quilting! You as always so busy, too!

KaHolly said...

Thanks for all the instruction! You're the best! It takes work to put a post like this together! I bought a skinny bias tape maker. I wonder where I put it!? Your quilting is lovely. Looking forward to seeing it finished!

Valentines, Ribbons, and Bows

I wanted to publish before the holiday and may not get this complete so will go ahead and publish for now and update later. I wanted to make...