Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Fall leaf quilt with tesselating leaves!

Finally I've been able to get some stipple or meandering quilting done on my fall leaf quilt that I started last fall, using my Sunshine 16.  The problems:  it seem only the King Tut thread in the bobbin works, but also increased the speed of the machine and am learning  better technique with how I move the machine.  Now I'm not really getting many loops on the back but I'm still getting some missed stitiches where there'll be a 1/2 -1 inch line of thread in spots.  Sometimes the thread breaks frequently but sometimes I can go for 10-15 minutes without it breaking.

This fall leaf quilt is made with tesselating leaves pattern.  I wanted a scrappy look using fall colors.

I really love the oranges, purples, browns and I threw in turquoise blue and some other colors for variety.  I pieced together the back out of left over fabrics.  I can't wait to finish it and put it on my bed!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Olivia's and Muriel's Quilts

This is a quilt for a baby named Olivia.  They are decorating her room in brown and pink and in the little character, Olivia the pig.  I remembered I'd purchased some Olivia the Pig fabric and so bought some fabric markers to paint in the black and white drawings of Olivia the pig.  It was fun sewing pink and brown!

This shows the detail on the border.  I wanted to put cute buttons, but worried it would be a chocking hazaard.

I also bought little dolls for baby Olivia's cousins, ages 1 and 5 and made them little doll quilts.

border detail

For the 1 year old's doll.

Muriels wall hanging all completed.

Hanging above her fireplace.
Showing the fabric painting.  I bought the fabric paint at Michaels.

Showing the detail on Muriel's wall hanging.

Double Irish Chain Completed on March 17th

Where did the time go?  I thought I'd published this but must've forgotten. Quilted and bound. Before quilting and binding Also comp...