Friday, January 11, 2013

I love to sew for the season but usually can't get a project done so it's going to be at least a year because if the season ends then I'll have to start on the next season projects and put the current project away to finish next year.  These cute snowball blocks will have the snow man faces made of black buttons and orange felt but will have to be added on after it's all pieced together and quilted.  I have to wash some orange felt with white fabric to see if the color bleeds.

after having a lot of trouble when I previously tried quilting this I was able to do better on round 2.

This quilt top is complete unless I want to add more border onto it to make it larger.  As it is, it's about 55 inches x 72 inches.  I think I'll quilt it with beige thread.  I ordered some from Hancock's of Paducah, but it's on back order.

I should've flipped this picture so it wouldn't be sideways.  This is Susan Winget fabric I got at Joanne's.  Isn't it sweet?

I put a purple batik square in each corner and one in each side of the border.  I'l post more of this quilt when I get it quilted.

Here is this quilt completed and bound with dark blue fabric with little stars.   The girl who got it was very excited (I was told by her mom).   I am anxious to get more practice on my mid arm.  I sewed a lot of  Christmasy stuff together in Nov. and December but never got to the point of machine quilting anything and I'm long overdue!

Double Irish Chain Completed on March 17th

Where did the time go?  I thought I'd published this but must've forgotten. Quilted and bound. Before quilting and binding Also comp...