Saturday, November 30, 2013

Mug Rug and Row House Update

I admired this little mug rug by Julie the Crafty Quilter.  Check out her other samples and free tutorial.

  I wanted to make one but do it a little different.  You can see I added an Ohio star on the right and a checkerboard border along the bottom.

I liked it so much I decided to add a tree and an Ohio star on each corner of the lap quilts with the row houses that are in process.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

WIP: Row Houses Under Construction

I've been a little panicked lately.  Christmas coming, so much to do, so little time....   (I know it's not even Thanksgiving yet)
So I went ahead and put away the fall fabrics and put some Christmas fabrics on display.

And I've been watching  Christmas movies and "building" houses!

I started the Christmas tree 2 years ago (I saw this one:  Christmas Tree Quilt Patternwhich is a pattern from and the little patchwork quilts last year.  And recently, somewhere I saw someone made rows of little house for a border (but can't find where I saw it so I can give them credit) and I knew the little houses would be just the thing to finish off these projects!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Barking Dog Leads to Big Charm Square Tote Bag

A couple days ago I opened the front door and my dog ran out and started barking at a lady parked in my neighbor's driveway.  I scolded the dog and apologized to the lady and noticed she had a big quilted tote bag.  I've been wanting to make a big tote bag and she kindly let me see how it was constructed.
Size is 18 x 14 x 4"

Made from Charm Squares -- 4 across and 3 down.  Pocket is also made from charm squares (4) plus one folded into the triangle shape.

The Bag has a zippered pocket on each side.  Lined with ticking.  Don't you just love ticking?

Looking inside the outside pocket.
 I have a tutorial for the bag in process.

Christmas Craft Mug Rug Class

Do you love to share your love of quilting by teaching?  At church we had an Old Fashioned Homemaking Night to make some gifts including these mugs rugs and also Soup Mix and Cookie and Banana Bread Mix in a Jar.
I had the kits ready and the sewing machines set up!
I laid out some of the 3 1/2 inch squares so people could see how they'd look and choose their kits.
Don't you just love Christmas fabrics!
Laid out with right sides together, ready to sew.
Finally I got a couple ladies to teach.  We had fun!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

More WIPs-- Baby Quilts-- Update (2 quilts are complete)

12/26/13  UPDATE:  Winnie the Pooh Baby Quilts for great nieces are complete!  Both are bound in lavender, but quilted and put together a little differently.

Original Post from 11/9/13
I've made a lot of baby quilts this year but have a few to complete for some of my own little relatives (hopefully before they are grown up)!

This one is for a little great niece named Isabella.

The free motion quilting was completed today and it just needs it's binding.

The little center blocks are Winnie the Pooh vintage looking fabric with little scenes that include darling little maps with labels.  The outer blocks are mostly Connecting Threads Quilters Candy.

This is another one is for another little great niece named Havynn.  The second cousins were born a few weeks apart last year.

This one is made with fabric with scenes of cute little hedge hogs and other woodland critters and may be for a cousin's grandbaby but the blue sashing is a little too wide or dark blue, so I'm not 100% satisfied with it.  I think when it's quilted it may look nice.

This one was originally for my cousin's grandbaby, but I'm not so happy with my quilting and that's why it's been on hold for so long.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Postage Stamp Quilt Progress

This past weekend, I added on a red scalloped border to this postage stamp quilt that's been in progress for quite awhile.

Quilted all over with meandering pattern

The red border is quilted with lines that follow the scallop pattern.

I made some yoyos to see if I like them there.  The idea comes from a quilt I saw with a blue polka dot scalloped border on Pinterest that has yoyos.  I also have some ladybug buttons that I could sew on with the yoyo's.  But for now I'm gong to pack it away again so I can focus on holiday things.

Double Irish Chain Completed on March 17th

Where did the time go?  I thought I'd published this but must've forgotten. Quilted and bound. Before quilting and binding Also comp...