Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Christmas Corner-- September (updated)

***Welcome to Christmas Corner***
I've a growing little pile of Christmas items

Here's a new table topper to add to my Christmas stack.
Can you see the little sled riders on the corner triangles-- so cute!
Of course I got the inspiration from this pin I found on Pinterest.TREE TOPPER
It was originally pinned from an Etsy shop called Wooden Needle Nook.
And here are two new Christmas dish towels (free tutorial here):
I bought some 100% cotton twill from Walmart ($6.99/yd) and sewed my own tea towels.
This one has 5 prairie points (instead of 4).  The decorative machine hem stitch has some problems, so it will be a tester and I'll wash and dry it and see if it is a nice towel or not and report back later.

Thanks for stopping by Christmas Corner!
crazy mom quilts

Friday, September 19, 2014

Broken Dishes Fall Topper

When I found the unfinished Twister Topper the other day, I also came across some unfinished broken dishes and pumpkin blocks I made last year.  It's Fall (almost) and I get so excited to sew with the new season colors (even if it's finishing something from last year).

I had a 16 inch section of broken dishes blocks and decided to border it and finish it up for a table topper.
Again I have regrets (wish I'd quilted the center with orange thread and wish the lines were straight).

But still it's colorful and festive.

Do you like the little pumpkins and vines quilted in the border?

Come back soon to see the pumpkin blocks sewn into a project!  Thanks for stopping by!
I'm linking up with Amanda Jean at Crazy Mom Quilts
crazy mom quilts

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Twister Pinwheel Topper Finally Finished

I finished a table topper I started last year.

 I added the last row of prairie points and the black border and laid it aside wavering between whether it was worth the effort of finishing-- then I did the swirly quilting and got disillusioned again wishing I'd used a different design or thread color.  
A few more days passed and sometimes -- in certain light, it seemed to be worth finishing up so finally I added the black binding.

The rest of this post was written last year and includes some of my inspiration and process in making it.  

Friday, September 12, 2014

Darling Tea Towels

It's always good to make something quick and darling to enjoy or give away.
I love Prairie Points but haven't been ambitious enough to apply them to a quilt yet so what a great way to enjoy them quickly!

I ordered this dish towel kit from Fort Worth Fabric Studio and received the pattern but it is also free on their website, along with some other great free patterns and tutorials.
The Moda toweling is nice and soft and will be very absorbent.  I changed the pattern a little --the top strip, I left 5" (instead of 4") wide because that's the size they send and the bottom strip I made 2 1/2" wide (instead of 3 1/2").  I like the proportion and there's no waste.

After sewing one from the kit, I pulled out some coordinating fabrics.   I used Kona cotton to make the towel and think it will hold up pretty good, although maybe not as absorbent as the Moda toweling
This focus fabric has little fruits and jam jars -- for the person who loves pink, it would be very cute to give this with a little jar of homemade preserves! 
This summer floral would be a great gift combined with a cook book or oven pad and apron!

 These take very little fabric and each one takes less than an hour to make and what great birthday, hostess gifts, or just thinking of you gifts they could make!

Thanks for stopping by!
crazy mom quilts  Fort Worth Fabric Studio

Linking up with Crazy Mom Quilts and Fort Worth Fabric Studio

Monday, September 8, 2014

Around the World Blog Hop

An invitation to participate in the Around the World Blog Hop came from Susie of Susie's Sunroom, out in Pennsylvania, to me, here in Newark, California.  I tried finding the origin (got back to May) of this blog hop but was unsuccessful.  I did find out that it's not just for quilters.

Susie became a wonderful blogging friend last year, when she participated in my Quilts in the Pumpkin Patch Blog Hop.   (I included the link since it's that time of year again and you might want to see the fall projects we all made.)

sunshine in the attic

The participants of the Around the World Blog Hop are to answer a few questions and then tag another blogger so we can all meet and learn about new blogs and bloggers from all over the world.

This cute decorated tea towel kit.  The pattern is free here and I am also working on handmade Christmas items (see my monthly Christmas post on the 25th of each month) so will use this pattern and make some Christmas tea towels because what a bright, cheery, and useful gift they will make!

I am also working on two Quilt Alongs:  Quilt Doodle, Doodle and Sew Kitschy
And I recently saw some new quilt alongs that I really want to begin, but... finding the time??

 Question #2; How does your work differ from others of your genre?
I'm not that different.  I'm still learning a lot about quilting and trying different things.  I love variety so may never fit into a little niche.  With the quilt alongs, I tried paper piecing and applique, and made some triangle quilts for the first time this year.  I seem to steer away from extremes (traditional or modern) and prefer something in between.  I tend to lean towards more randomness and less symmetry.

Question #3: Why do you create what you do?
  It's fulfilling, it's fun, it's wonderful to have and to give beautiful and useful homemade gifts.  I love holiday sewing, I love finding the right color and fabric combinations, I love completing a project and  blogging about it. 

Question #4: How does your creative process work?
I often prefer to create my own patterns.  I sketch out ideas for blocks and layouts or for piecing animals or other shapes and then encounter trial and error until it's right.   I look on the blogs and Pinterest for beautiful projects for inspiration (they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery).  I have really enjoyed doing the quilt alongs and sometimes follow a pattern, but it's not unusual that I tweak something to please myself.   

Let me know in a comment or email me at if you'd like to become the next stop on the Around the World Blog Hop!

Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Finished with July and August Quilt Doodle blocks/strips

I'm catching up on my Quilt Doodle Quilt Along
This block for August is called Sweet Tooth-- such a cute name!

The Sweet Tooth strip goes below the hot cocoa cups which were the July blocks/strip

For September there will be another pine tree so the little cabin will reside in the pines.
I wonder what the October block will be?
I will be linking up with Crazy Mom Quilts for Finish it up Friday.
crazy mom quilts

Monday, September 1, 2014

Sew Kitschy July and August blocks

I'm all caught up on these July and August blocks and ready to work on the last block of this sew along with Kristy of Quiet Play.

The utensils block was amazingly pretty easy and quick.  I may redo the pitcher and cups block.  It sure is a process figuring out which fabric combinations work sometimes.

It's been good to learn and practice paper piecing and I like it but sometimes don't because it seems I have to pick out and redo quite a bit.  But it is amazing how you can get an interesting picture with all the angles and make a pretty block!
Check out Kristy's paper pieced blocks-- they're not very expensive and there's even a lot of cute free ones too.
Linking to Crazy Mom Quilts for Finish it up Friday
crazy mom quilts

Double Irish Chain Completed on March 17th

Where did the time go?  I thought I'd published this but must've forgotten. Quilted and bound. Before quilting and binding Also comp...