Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Christmas Corner March 2015

Welcome to Christmas Corner!-- A place to share Christmas projects throughout the year!

My main accomplishment this month is progress on my Scrappy Christmas Stars top.
I'm not sure if I'll have the stars going edge to edge or if I'll apply a border.  So far I have 4 stars across and 3 vertically.  Each star section is about 18".

I also made a couple gifts but not sure if they'll be for Christmas.  I was in awe of the beautiful pouch and apron made by Kristyne at Pretty by Hand and so I made my own similar versions.
I used this zipper pouch tutorial from Ginapina to guide me for the lining and zipper.

Aprons were a favorite gift to give last year.  Not much worry about whether the colors and style match the recipients home and taste.
I used my own apron tutorial but widened the neck strap, lengthened the waist ties and added the piece of eyelet, which were such cute details featured by Kristyne on her apron.
If you'd like to link up any gifts or Christmasy things, join right in!

  Thanks for stopping by!
Linking up with Freshly Pieced and Crazy Mom Quilts

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Modern Tradition and Zoo Animal Quilt Alongs, and purple scrappy blocks

I got my internet and TV wiring redone yesterday and found myself without an internet connection in my attic.
March's BOM from Kristie at Quiet Play (free this month).
 This morning, I went to Frye's Electronics and bought a $30 USB wireless adapter (WIFI) and now I have my internet back without running any wires or cables!  Just mentioning it in case it's helpful for someone.
Here's the trio of blocks done so far for Kristie's Zoo Animal BOM.  Three done, six to go.

For Shannon's a (Modern Tradition Quilts) QA, I skipped the ribbon block for now and made the pinwheel star block instead.

Six done, three to go (although I may add more blocks).

Some scrappy purples.  Many of the centers are from a charm pack called So Lovely.  I love purple and green together and may add scrappy green corner triangles to each block.

Linking up with Quiet Play, Richard and Tanya Quilts, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, and Modern Tradition Quilts.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Give Away Winners and Penguin Block

Thank you all for your sweet and fun comments on my post for Susie's Simply Striped Accent Pillow Blog Hop.  Be sure to stop by Susie's to see the other versions sewn by fellow quilter friends-- of her pillow)-- Here's my Shamrock version!
I asked my husband and daughter (neither of whom have looked at the blog or the comments) to each pick a number from 1 to 15 for my random choice of winners.  
The numbers they chose were 2 and 11.  And the winners are:  Deb of Mountain Musings has won Susie's pattern and Ellee has won my set of Scrappy Greeting Cards!  (I will contact you soon.)

For those of you still interested in Susie's pattern, it is only $2.99 on Craftsy.  Also Susie and some of the other participating bloggers are having giveaways that are still open.
 But if you buy the pattern, as a bonus, Amanda, the Patchsmith is also including a copy of her Scottie Dog Mug Rug Pattern ($1.99 value) with the added perk of the reduced size of the Scotties to fit on the stripe!  But hurry the offer is only good through March 8th.
Amanda's darling version.
It has been a lot of fun to sew the pillow and see all the wonderful creativity the quilters have incorporated in sewing their pillow's with Susie's pattern!

Finally, here is my penguin block for Kristie's Zoo Animal Block of the Month Quilt along.  

I've tweaked the pattern a bit as the original pattern features a baby penguin, whose face is black and white and his body is gray.

January and February blocks.  The March block is a Polar Bear.
Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, March 6, 2015

Catching up on February Quilt Alongs

The Not So Last Minute Quilt Along;  Hosted by A Quilting Chick
Bell for February

January and February blocks

Charm Square Quilt Along by Shannon at Modern Tradition Quilts
This quilt along is not by the month.  I am still behind on one block.

I'll be updating this post with the Penguin for the Block of the Month Zoo Series from Quiet Play.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Simply Striped Pillow Blog Hop

Did you hear about the Simply Striped Pillow Blog Hop?

Susie from Susie's Sunroom is Hosting this Hop to celebrate her first published pillow pattern on Craftsy!  I'm guest posting there today, so stop by Susie's to find out more about my shamrock pillow made using Susie's pattern.  

But wait for just a minute while I tell you about some giveaways!
Susie is offering her Simply Striped Pillow Pattern free to one lucky participant here on my blog (and she also has some drawings on some of the other blogs).  So leave a comment telling me if you've ever sewn a pillow or if you want to sew a pillow!

And I'm also having a give away!  
Did you see the cute cards made with scraps by Amanda Jean at Crazy Mom Quilts?  I also found some cute ideas here at U Create.  

Since I'm also trying to use up scraps lately, I made this set of Scrappy Greeting Cards just for one of you!  For a chance to win, leave a second comment telling me what you do with your scraps.

Stop back late on Saturday or Sunday for the random drawing results.

Don't miss out seeing all the creativity with Susie's pattern by visiting all the participating bloggers.  Here's the schedule:

March 2   Elaine    Summercrafter

March 3   Susie  Susies Sunroom

March 4   Geta      Geta's Quilting Studio

March 5   Sheri   Sunshine in the Attic

March 6   Lara    BuzzinBumble

March 7   Amanda    The Patchsmith

March 8   Amy  Amy Made That! 

Just for good measure, here's my WIP (scrappy Kaleidoscope blocks which match my Scrappy Greeting cards)!  

Thank you for stopping by! 

Linking up with Lee at Freshly Pieced and Connie at Free Motion by the River 

Double Irish Chain Completed on March 17th

Where did the time go?  I thought I'd published this but must've forgotten. Quilted and bound. Before quilting and binding Also comp...