Friday, July 24, 2015

Christmas in July -- Christmas Corner 2015

Welcome to Christmas Corner:  A place to share Christmas Sewing on the 25th of each month.

 Here are the Little Joys Blocks I've been sewing, a free Quilt Along from the Jolly Jabber blog. 
You can find all the block tutorials here.  Actually this is not the Little Joys wreath block.  See more info. in the next caption.
A closer look at the blocks:
1."Trim the Tree" block
2.  The present block is called the "Season of Giving" block.  
3.  The wreath (from a quilt along in 2011-- also from the Jolly Jabber) is called Holiday Homecoming and here's the link.
Because the wreath block pattern is for a 10" instead of 10 1/2" I adjusted the cutting instructions so the block would go with the others, and took a picture to share and for future reference.

My other Christmas Quilt Along is the Not So Last Minute Christmas Quilt Along (NSLMCQA).

 Here is the Angel block.  The NSLMQA is hosted A Quilting Chick, but I'm not sure anyone is still participating since I haven't seen any activity lately.  But maybe with Christmas in July kicking off some holiday sewing, it'll catch on again.

  I altered my angel by making her hair and gown longer and adding a halo.  She'll get an embroider face later, I think.
Here are the rest of my NSLMQA blocks:

And here are the cutest decorated gifts bags for presenting treasured gifts embellished with some fabric and wonder under!

My friend Donna has a tutorial over at her blog, Two Chicks and a Mom.  Here's the link to the tutorial.
Isn't it clever that she ironed on fabric, added buttons, and some little marking pen accents?
I'm going to make some of these soon!

Thanks for stopping by Christmas Corner!
Linking up with Crazy Mom Quilts.  Be sure to stop over and see Amanda's Oh My Stars quilt-- it's wonderful!

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Pinwheel blocks complete and a Finish

Senior Quilt and 42 pinwheel blocks.

This is a completed lap quilt made for a graduating boy from our congregation.  We used to just make them for the graduating girls as a welcome to the women's society, but someone thought that wasn't right, so for the last few years they've also been made for the boys.
I can only take credit for the quilting of it.  The construction of the blocks was done by another lady and she also sewed the flimsy together with the batting and backing, right sides together and then turned it right side out and stitched around the perimeter before I even did the quilting.  It is soft and comfortable feeling and I hope will be enjoyed!  
The completed size is about 50 x 70".  It looks liked the navy blocks are framed by the homespun plaids, but actually if you take a closer look, the navy blocks are alternated with plaid rail fence blocks.  It really is a simple but attractive pattern.

These Pinwheel Blocks make me feel so happy!
Pinwheel Block Instructions:  Each block begins with 2 ten inch squares (so layer cake friendly) and ends up with a 12 1/2" unfinished pinwheel block.  You sew around the perimeter of the two 10" squares (right sides together) and then slice diagonally each direction to yield four 6 1/2" HSTs-- square up and then sew into the pinwheel formation.

 I'm off to volunteer for a program called Operation Access, which provides surgeries at no cost to uninsured or underinsured people so they can have the health care they need.  I'm happy to be part of such a program and am so thankful for the generosity our American society who help out so unfailingly!

Linking up with Crazy Mom Quilts.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Bob the Blue Macaw

The June Zoo Animal Quilt Along features a Blue Macaw (I'm running just a little behind as usual).
I have a love/hate thing for paper piecing.  Well hate is a bit too strong a word, --I guess it's more like anxiety while working on the paper pieced blocks, but when I get them finished I feel exhilarated!
 Speaking of Blue Macaws...
I just found my camera from when we went to Hawaii last year and got to relive our vacation a bit while seeing the photos for the first time.  I found one of Bob and figured he should be a guest on the blog.

And here's the growing menagerie!
You can still download the last 3 animals for July, August, and September (Koala bear, Monkey, and Lion) from Kristy's blog Quiet Play for free (and the others are just $3.00)
Zoo BoM
Linking up with Crazy Mom Quilts

Double Irish Chain Completed on March 17th

Where did the time go?  I thought I'd published this but must've forgotten. Quilted and bound. Before quilting and binding Also comp...