Monday, August 24, 2015

Christmas Corner August 2015

Welcome to Christmas Corner:  A place to share Christmas projects and gifts throughout the year.

For this month I have a tale to tell.
The Christmas Eve Miracle
Sasha (snowy white) and Caroline (cobalt blue) were two of Santa's special, beloved Christmas Chickens.  They were the best of all the egg layers and were hailed by all the toy builders for their delicious and nutritious eggs, as well as their wonderful personalities! One Christmas Eve, a snow storm hit while Sasha and Caroline had been out stretching their legs in the free range.  The blinding snow prevented them from finding their way back to the coop!  Great devastation and worry plagued all of the North Pole inhabitants!  But a miracle occurred, as miracles do on Christmas Eve, and the Coop Keeper realized that Caroline's cobalt feathers could be seen through the blinding white snowflakes.  With a rope tied to his waist, he made his way to Caroline and Sasha just as the dark night approached and he could no longer see Caroline.  But never fear, it was then that Sasha's bright white feathers shone by the light of the full moon and the Coop Keeper did indeed find the beloved pair.  He guided them all back to safety and all of the North Pole's population rejoiced and said a prayer of thanks!  Santa was able to begin with joy in his heart as once again he succeeded in his yearly night's journey!

In memory of this Christmas miracle, I have fashioned two Christmas Chicken Potholders, one in the likeness of Caroline and one of Sasha!  I found the easy to follow block tutorial by Vicki here at Sew Inspired.

Thanks again for stopping by Christmas Corner!  Hope you're finding a bit of time to fashion something Christmas-y!

Linking up with Crazy Mom Quilts.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Hazel's Happy Pinwheels!

I've been traveling back and forth to Idaho (thinking of moving there) and not finding time to blog. 
We've been having fun though!  Bought a new truck...
Here's Riley, our 11 month old black German Shepherd pup basking in the sun.  She stays nice and clean because she goes swimming in the Boise River every day.
There's a foothill a couple blocks away that we climb every night and see the beautiful view and sunset.  Riley met some dog friends and they run back and forth along the fence lines as we walk up the hill.

Brought the boat up (after some difficulty with a spring breaking on the trailer) -- here it's all washed up and ready to go fishing!

Okay, back to quilting talk...
First here's an update -- Isabella's quilt with Isabella!  I'm told she loves this quilt.
I finished sewing the pinwheels together a week ago.
Hanging on the fence in Idaho
I was careful though because this little spider was habitating on the fence!  He (or she) looks scary!

Back in California to my quilting machine and quilted in the white spaces.

Our church group usually makes quilts for the kids that graduate but we're two short and awfully late since it's time for school to start again!  I decided to finish my Pinwheel quilt for Hazel, a darling girl I've known since she was little.

She has a great smile and is often grinning so I think the quilt will be called "Hazel's Happy Pinwheels".

Lavender binding on.

   Linking up with Crazy Mom Quilts   and Fort Worth Fabric Studio and Sew Cute Tuesday

Double Irish Chain Completed on March 17th

Where did the time go?  I thought I'd published this but must've forgotten. Quilted and bound. Before quilting and binding Also comp...