Sunday, January 24, 2016

Christmas Corner January 2016

Welcome to Christmas Corner!  A place to share Christmas Projects through out the year.
For this month, I have nothing new to show, but Christmas WIP progress, which is also good!
This is from a Quilt Along from 2014.  I pieced together a backing out of this reindeer flannel fabric and loaded the quilt on the quilt frame and even quilted a row.
Here are a few other Christmas WIPs that I still love and hope to make progress on.
Big Scrappy Christmas Stars Quilt

Little Joys Quilt Blocks
I'm linking up with Celtic Thistle Stitches Ho, Ho, Ho and on We Sew, monthly Christmas Link Up.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

X Quilt Complete!

A baby shower for my coworker and her husband was my entertainment last evening.  

I wanted my quilt for the baby to have a modern feel and created my own X design and used mostly scrappy blues and greens.

The baby's theme is woodland animals and specifically foxes, as is popular today.  This fox fabric was found at Quilt Crossings in Boise.
Here is the label for the back of the quilt.  The design is traced on with micron pen and some color added with fabric markers.  The "Sweet Dreams Little one" is a free design from Nana & Co. you can find here.  And her free darling pillow case tutorial is here.

Here is a pillow case in process based on the pillow case design from Nana Co.

I thought about creating a sleepy fox design for the embroidery, but in the end went ahead and bought this cute design from Nana Co. for $3.50 since I love it!
Thanks for stopping by!
Linking up with Crazy Mom Quilts.

Quilt Specifications:  This quilt finishes at 44" square.  There is not a specific block, but I cut out the pieces and laid them out and then sewed them together in 4 sections before sewing them all together. Here are the cutting directions for future reference: the long part of the X is 4 1/2 x 12 1/2" and the side squares and background squares are all 4 1/2".  The setting triangles are 5" squares cut in half diagonally once and the corner square triangles and 5 1/2" cut diagonally twice.  
A few more pictures by PJ, from the shower:
                         Fox bucket with advice cards.             Cookies made by Liz (can you spot the foxes)!
                 Dave loves to dress up!     So many darling clothes, books, and all kinds of wonderful!

The sweet couple were a little overwhelmed and very appreciative. I'm so lucky to work with such a talented and generous group!

Saturday, January 9, 2016

New Quilt Top and 2nd Completed UFO

It feels nice to begin a new year with a new quilt, which will be a retirement gift for a friend.

(7) Name: 'Quilting : Scrappy Cats Quilt Pattern
Here's the pattern image and if interested, you can find it here.

While all the piecing is complete, there are still stars to applique, button eyes to sew, and embroidered faces to apply!  What labor, but a labor of love!

Since I prefer piecing to applique, I designed a new setting triangle.

It also feels nice to finish up a second UFO, which just needed some binding!  I joined the Crafty Quilter, to work on a UFO each month, but I guess if I finish more than one, that's good too!

 This patchwork quilt started when my niece, Briana stopped by with some fabric she'd just purchased.  Together, we worked on her first quilt, but then it got put away for a few years and never completed.  I'm excited for her to stop by and pick it up!

P.S.  The new blog header was made using instructions from Blissfully Domestic, and Picasa.

Linking up with Crazy Mom Quilts

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Patchwork Heart Wall Hanging Completed!

Are you ready for a UFO challenge?   I joined the Crafty Quilter and have my first completed project of the year!  Stop by her blog to see her darling heart quilt UFO and find out about a give away.
I was happy to find this little quilted patchwork heart.  Good time to make or finish something for Valentine's Day!

I hoped this striped fabric would look good for the binding.

At first I thought it was a piece of cake because I whipped it up quick, but then noticed how crooked it looked.  (Top and bottom right and bottom left areas).
So it took more time, but I removed the stitching and was able to straighten those edges and corners up a bit.

This project was originally made last February and also has a tutorial, in case your want to make one too!
Linking up with Crazy Mom Quilts,  Needle and Thread Thursday and Free Motion by the River.

Double Irish Chain Completed on March 17th

Where did the time go?  I thought I'd published this but must've forgotten. Quilted and bound. Before quilting and binding Also comp...