Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Scrappy Purple and green table topper in Progress

I found 10 scrappy UFO blocks and the purples and greens made me enthusiastic to figure out what to do with them so....

I sewed a 9 patch then...
I cut a square of purple about an inch bigger than the 9 patch and cut that square diagonally twice to make the corner square triangles.

Now I'm wondering if I should add some borders and make it larger

This green and maybe another purply?
If you want to make some of these blocks, here are some cutting instructions.
The small square is 3 1/4", the borders are 1 7/8" (once sewn together you get a 6" square).
The bordering triangles are made from a 7 3/8" square and then cut diagonally twice (Cut one square for each block).  Randomly border each side with a contrasting triangle (the resulting block is 8 1/4"). 

Linking up with Freemotion by the River, Crazy Mom Quilts, and Busy Hands Quilts

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Hour Glass Trellis Quilt Top

Just finished flimsy waterfall backdrop.
What a difference a day makes.
Yesterday there was a snowstorm and today it's sunny and nice.

The parent squares are 12 1/2" sewn diagonally and cut to get 2 HSTs.  Then iron open hst.  Place two different HSTs rst and again sew and cut on the diagonal to get an 11 1/2" unfinished hour glass blocks.  Sashing is 2" strips.

Here's yesterday's snowstorm.

Linking up with Crazy Mom Quilts and Busy Hands Quilts

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Pastel Bunny Mini Quilt with some instructions

Easter Mini Wall Hanging with a little patchwork and a little applique.
All finished!

Some of the fabrics even match this little table runner I made a few years ago.
I embroidered on some eyes for the bunnies and chicks and some bows on the bunnys' necks and on the easter basket.  I used all 6 threads.
I added some machine free motion quilting on my domestic machine.
I'm going to add another line of embroidery between the bunny and basket and between the basket and chicks, like I did below the pink bunny.

Finished size is 12 1/2 x 14 1/2"

Supplies needed
Light weight heat and bond
embroidery floss
batting and backing 12 1/2 x 14 1/2"
(1) 8 1/2 x 10 1/2" background
(22) 2 1/2" squares for the border
matching scraps for the appliqued bunnies, chicks, basket and eggs

Double Irish Chain Completed on March 17th

Where did the time go?  I thought I'd published this but must've forgotten. Quilted and bound. Before quilting and binding Also comp...