Sunday, June 25, 2017

Independence Day Mini

Celebrating a holiday is just a little nicer when you can sew something and put out some handmade creations!  I have quite a few patriotic UFOs but still chose to start something new!  I just gotta do it!
I often make two thinking it isn't much more trouble to make another at the same time.  And it isn't, but definitely I'd probably have less UFOs if I only made one thing at a time.

I just have to finish appliqueing 3 more stars and then I should be able to finish them both up before the 4th!  I can hardly wait to put it on the little quilt stand!

This is my version of a connecting threads pattern and they also have a quilt kit.
12in Treasures - Flag Kit
click the link above for the pattern and/or the kit
And here's a little sneak peak at a gift I'm making with charm squares

Linking up with Crazy Mom Quilts and Busy Hands Quilts

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Big Nines

When I saw Amanda's Big Nines last week, I thought it would be a great quilt for my nephew who is graduating from high school.

Hers is a big 9 patch with 9 blocks but I needed this one to be bigger so it's 4 blocks across and 5 down

The blocks are 15" unfinished so finished the quilt will be about 58 x 73"

Here's Amanda's.  She has a tutorial.

Linking up with Amanda at Crazy Mom Quilts 

Double Irish Chain Completed on March 17th

Where did the time go?  I thought I'd published this but must've forgotten. Quilted and bound. Before quilting and binding Also comp...