Saturday, June 23, 2018

First Little Granddaughter

While my daughter was laboring, my husband and I were assigned to care for Sammy and Molly,  the Chihuahua and lab.
Sewing supplies were in tow and pink fabrics were laid about in the nursery.
 The decision to sew pink hour glasses blocks was made.
Now to add some borders and pink satin blanket binding. 

Baby Audrey Renae arrived on the first day of summer. 

Starry, Starry Night

Working on some gifts for a friends daughter who recently graduated . 
She loves Vincent Van Gogh' s Starry Night painting.

Pillow case with starry night fabric cuff.  Used this 15 minute pillow case tutorial,  although it was probably closer to an hour.  Note: when she says to trim to 20 x 28 inches,  I trimmed mine  21 x 28 1/2". I did the French seams and am very happy with how it turned out. 

Center lone star block for quilt. 
Other  star blocks to circle round the lone star.  

Double Irish Chain Completed on March 17th

Where did the time go?  I thought I'd published this but must've forgotten. Quilted and bound. Before quilting and binding Also comp...