Monday, April 20, 2020

Laundry Basket Quilt Along

After a lot of contemplation, trial and error, I made some changes to Edyta's design by adding some kaleidoscope, the heart and a couple of the other blocks.  I'm pretty happy with the changes.
Design wall Grid (center block photos taken in dim light, so the color is not quite so off in real life)  I love the kaleidoscope ruler I got on Amazon.  I can see a lot of kaleidoscope blocks in my future!
 Now to actually finish sewing all the blocks
It will go quicker now that I have figured out my color and design choices for each block.  
 I see why people love kits, as it removes that very time consuming and error prone steps and you don't have to worry about spending a lot of time and then not liking your creation and starting all over
But you may understand, having a deep need to be the designer in at least part if not all of the process
Isn't it wonderful, the spring wild flowers are coming out!
There are so many pink wild flowers that the Super Moon that occurred a couple weeks ago, was called a pink Super Moon

These colors kind of reminded me of my Alexandrite quilt colors
Well, hopefully I'll be back sooner than later to show the completed bordered and quilted Alexandrite Quilt!

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter!

I made a pink basket for my granddaughter and a blue one for her cousin.

Hope you had a lovely day!

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Projects in Progress: Laundry Basket 2020 Quilt Along and Spock

I have two complete rows of blocks sewn, plus some other blocks complete but being able to duplicate the blocks, digitally, lets me see how it will look.
I substituted my own heart block into the center of the outer rows
This is the complete Mystery Quilt Along from Laundry Basket Quilts that you can still download.

This is the Spock Quilt I'm making for my coworker, Dave, who is retiring soon.
I think mine will look better when I start getting the dark colors around the face.  I'm going to piece letters for the border, which say LIVE LONG AND PROSPER
I found this Quilt and felt very inspired to make one similar. 
 Carol's Spock Quilt
Check out Carol's blog post to see how she did this!

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Edyta Sitar's Mystery Quilt Along

I love a good quilt along but if it's a mystery, I'm not so gung ho.  But after quite a few days of seeing how pretty Edyta's quilt was coming along, I decided I wanted to do it.

If you are interested be sure to go to her blog and download the block patterns as she will only have them up for a little bit longer.  All fifteen blocks are available!

The colors I'm using are like a semi precious jewel, called an Alexandrite.  Have you ever seen one?  Depending on the light, they shine purplish to bluish green!  So pretty!

Anyway, if you are interested, go download the blocks

Double Irish Chain Completed on March 17th

Where did the time go?  I thought I'd published this but must've forgotten. Quilted and bound. Before quilting and binding Also comp...