Friday, October 30, 2020

Happy Halloween Eve!

Halloween card to go with my cousin's quilt.  So fun!  Haven't made one in years!  Why??

I'm really happy with how my cousins Squirrelly Girl quilt turned out.  Isn't the animal border cute?

I used non pill fleece on back and it's very nice and warm.  No trouble quilting it.  I didn't add batting.

Don't forget, every quilt needs a label

We got some colorful lights for a little Halloween Fun!


Saturday, October 10, 2020

Five Day Jump Start on Christmas Quilt Along

I would love to get a jumpstart on Christmas sewing, there are three cute patterns and 100% of the $10 fee goes to the great cause of providing quilts to fire victims.
Here is the link to Modern Handmade in case you want to join in on the fun!

The first project is this market tote bag and you should see all the cute ones people have made.  I made mine with 3 colors on the outside and a 1/2" black an white polkdot flange for a little extra pizzaz.  It's a nice size and I think I'll make a few more as they will make nice gifts and only take an hour or two.

A few other projects working on simultaneously...
This quilt is for my cousin who is very sick.  The patchwork center, on point, is made with a Squirrelly Girl charm pack (Bunny Hill) and fabrics I had on hand.  The border will be from the Sugar Squirrels Quilt pattern.

Squirrels, acorns, and leaves ready to applique.

Spock is coming along....

  Linking up with Alycia QuiltsConfessions of a Fabric Addict

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Halloween Pumpkin Patch

Tonight's Full Moon is called a Harvest Moon
Hence the name: Harvest Moon Pumpkin Patch Topper
And we will have a 2nd full moon this month on October 31st (a blue moon)!  Very exciting!

I also thought of calling it Cinderella's Pumpkin Patch because it's sort of magical!

I have a Halloween gift for you!  A tutorial so you can make your own!
MOON (make 1)
Cut out (21) 2 1/2" moon squares and make (4) 2 1/2" HSTs using method below or your favorite method 
(Note:  If you want a trip around the world pattern, you will need to lay it all out so you'll know which background colors go where.)
The STARS (make 4)
Cut (16) 2 1/2" background squares and (4) 2 1/2" center squares,  make (16) half square triangles HSTs.  Sew together as shown into a 9 patch square which will be 6 1/2"
HALF SQUARE TRIANGLES (HSTs) four at once method
(Apology:  I just updated the size of squares to cut to make these HSTs)
NOTE:  You can make (4) 2 1/2" HSTs at a time by cutting a featured color and background square
Cut: 4 1/4" squares,  place right sides together, sew around perimeter and cut diagonally twice, press open and trim to 2 1/2"
For the 1 1/2" HST cut 3 1/4" black and background color and follow the same method above
The BATS (make 4)
Cut (12) 2 1/2" black squares and (16) 2 1/2" background squares; (16) 1 1/2: background squares; and make (16) 1 1/2" HSTs (see method above)

Sew all sections together and square up to 6 1/2"
(Note:  I wish I would've used all lighter colors around the bat, instead of the dark blue)
Using a variety of orange fabrics, cut (4) scrappy strips 2 1/2 x 7 1/2"; (8) 2 x 7 1/2"; and (8) 1 1/2 x 7 1/2"
Cut (16) 2 1/2" ; (2) 7 7/8" ; (2) 8 3/8" squares of background fabric
Step 1. Sew strips together as shown

Step 2.  Snowball all the corners by sewing a 2 1/2" back ground square diagonally to each corner right sides together and trimming seam to 1/4" Press open.
Step 3.  To make the pumpkin block on point, cut the 7 7/8" squares diagonally twice and sew to the sides of the pumpkins and cut the 8 3/8" squares diagonally twice and sew to the top and bottom of the pumpkin block.  Square up to 10 1/2"
(Note:  You could also do applique pumpkins or patchwork pumpkins  I would like to do patchwork if I make this again)

You could make yours all scrappy or if you want to make it like a trip around the world, cut out 2 1/2 squares and layout as shown and sew together into sections.


To make the vines, I used the clover bias tape makers as you can see and cut some leaf and stem parts and appliqued them on.  I usually use light weight heat and bond but this time I just used Elmer's school glue sticks and stuck the leaves and stems on and I ironed and pinned the vines into curving shapes, and then zig zagged with a small.  (or use your favorite applique method)
I did some of the applique prior to sewing all the sections together to make a little easier.
Quilted with a simple stipple.

I hope you'll show me if you make one too!

Happy Halloween!

Linking up with My Quilt Infatuation
and For the Love of Geese
and Confessions of a Fabric Addict
and Alycia Quilts

Double Irish Chain Completed on March 17th

Where did the time go?  I thought I'd published this but must've forgotten. Quilted and bound. Before quilting and binding Also comp...