Tonight's Full Moon is called a Harvest Moon
Hence the name: Harvest Moon Pumpkin Patch Topper And we will have a 2nd full moon this month on October 31st (a blue moon)! Very exciting! |
I also thought of calling it Cinderella's Pumpkin Patch because it's sort of magical!
I have a Halloween gift for you! A tutorial so you can make your own!
MOON (make 1)
Cut out (21) 2 1/2" moon squares and make (4) 2 1/2" HSTs using method below or your favorite method (Note: If you want a trip around the world pattern, you will need to lay it all out so you'll know which background colors go where.) |
The STARS (make 4)
Cut (16) 2 1/2" background squares and (4) 2 1/2" center squares, make (16) half square triangles HSTs. Sew together as shown into a 9 patch square which will be 6 1/2"
HALF SQUARE TRIANGLES (HSTs) four at once method
(Apology: I just updated the size of squares to cut to make these HSTs)
NOTE: You can make (4) 2 1/2" HSTs at a time by cutting a featured color and background square
Cut: 4 1/4" squares, place right sides together, sew around perimeter and cut diagonally twice, press open and trim to 2 1/2"
For the 1 1/2" HST cut 3 1/4" black and background color and follow the same method above
The BATS (make 4)
Cut (12) 2 1/2" black squares and (16) 2 1/2" background squares; (16) 1 1/2: background squares; and make (16) 1 1/2" HSTs (see method above)
Sew all sections together and square up to 6 1/2" (Note: I wish I would've used all lighter colors around the bat, instead of the dark blue) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Using a variety of orange fabrics, cut (4) scrappy strips 2 1/2 x 7 1/2"; (8) 2 x 7 1/2"; and (8) 1 1/2 x 7 1/2"
Cut (16) 2 1/2" ; (2) 7 7/8" ; (2) 8 3/8" squares of background fabric
Step 1. Sew strips together as shown
Step 2. Snowball all the corners by sewing a 2 1/2" back ground square diagonally to each corner right sides together and trimming seam to 1/4" Press open.
Step 3. To make the pumpkin block on point, cut the 7 7/8" squares diagonally twice and sew to the sides of the pumpkins and cut the 8 3/8" squares diagonally twice and sew to the top and bottom of the pumpkin block. Square up to 10 1/2" (Note: You could also do applique pumpkins or patchwork pumpkins I would like to do patchwork if I make this again) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
You could make yours all scrappy or if you want to make it like a trip around the world, cut out 2 1/2 squares and layout as shown and sew together into sections.
To make the vines, I used the clover bias tape makers as you can see and cut some leaf and stem parts and appliqued them on. I usually use light weight heat and bond but this time I just used Elmer's school glue sticks and stuck the leaves and stems on and I ironed and pinned the vines into curving shapes, and then zig zagged with a small. (or use your favorite applique method) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
I did some of the applique prior to sewing all the sections together to make a little easier.
Quilted with a simple stipple.
I hope you'll show me if you make one too!
Happy Halloween! |
Linking up with
My Quilt Infatuation
and For the
Love of Geeseand
Confessions of a Fabric Addict
Alycia Quilts