Monday, May 24, 2021

Merry Christmas Corner May 2021

I saw one sort of like this on Connie Kressin's blog back in 2015 and still love it.  She had left over pinwheels and made a cute little topper (with tutorial) and then Carol from My Carolina Home made a Christmas version
In fact I better show you Carole's Christmas one, because it's very cute.  I think I will try this again later maybe

Here's some cutting instructions for using charm squares

The pinwheels turn out to be 5 1/2 inches unfinished

Sew the 5 1/2" squares into two blocks and then sew one setting triangle onto to block and then join altogether.  Quilt as desired and bind.  In my case I sewed the right sides together leaving an opening to turn right sides out and then did some straight line quilting. 

And here is my Walk in the Forest Quilt making some progress
I got this dark green anti pill fleece from JoAnn's

Got it all loaded on the machine (hurray, half the battle!) and started quilting with cinnamon rolls

made some good progress but then....

decided to make cinnamon rolls
They did turn out really good!

Sunday, May 9, 2021

God Bless America

With Memorial Day approaching, it's time to take out the red, white, and blue décor!
I always love to take out some little quilted toppers and things to enjoy again!

  And I found a few partially made items that I was able to complete, which is always cause for celebration, right?

I found this little blue and white patchwork with red border and added some borders and binding to create a tiny topper.

For a little table by my front door.  Only 11 x 14"

I made this panel with three blocks and sashing back in 2011.  And even wrote the words and the stars with free motion quilting.

I added some borders and star corners and it has only taken 10 years to complete!  The border fabric has the words God Bless America, land that I love

Here's a simple 3 1/2" star tutorial

To make the 3" (finished) stars in the corners
My no waste method:
Cut (2) two inch squares of geese (the white) fabric and cut once diagonally. Or can cut one 2 7/8” square, twice diagonally 
Cut (4) 1 3/4" sky (blue) squares and also cut once diagonally. Or can cut two 2 5/8” squares and cut diagonally twice 
Cut (1) two inch square for the center
**You will also need (4) 1 1/4" squares (but cut them 1 3/8" and then trim after sewing on)

And since I finished two old projects, isn't it fair that I started a new project????
Takes a long time to position sew and reposition the triangles because you forget where they were supposed to go so still working on it.  Looking forward to seeing this quilt laying on the back of my couch

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Briana's Patchwork: Update!

Briana sent a photo of the yellow and white quilt on her son's bed.
Vintage looking with the yellow and white and all crinkly!

Briana made this little quilt which is so cute!

She's going to make this a queen size quilt for her bed.

This one is about 33" square, made with 4 inch squares in the 9 patch blocks

With the borders, this one is 36 x 48.  I can hardly wait to see it after she adds the yellow binding and washes it!

I offered to quilt it since it's the biggest one she's made so far and she was having some trouble on her other one with the fabric bunching a little in some spots


Double Irish Chain Completed on March 17th

Where did the time go?  I thought I'd published this but must've forgotten. Quilted and bound. Before quilting and binding Also comp...