Monday, January 6, 2025

Happy New Year!

One New and Some Finishing up Projects.

First completed Project of the Year!  I started and completed this patchwork quilt in about a week, using a French General Layer Cake, called Joyous Noelle, I got years ago 

I made the little Reindeer Pillow in 2014.  I want to make a row quilt with a row of reindeer like this one along with some snow flakes and other sweater type Fair Isle motif rows.  Wow already setting goals.  Not really, seems to be those thoughts are going through my mind all the time.  This year to complete many from the past, plus some new ones!

Quilted with a holly and swirl design from My Creative Stitches.  There are quite a few squares that have charming holly in them, although there are also squares with snowflakes so I could've gone with a snowflake them panto also.

The layer cake only came with a few of these lovely squares depicting vintage motifs

I had to add some 10 inch squares from material I had on hand and this woodland one coordinated well and I love the whimsicalness of it!

This is made with 10 inch squares, 8 across and nine down, plus the borders.

This pub topper was a quilt along with The Fat Quarter Shop quite a few years ago.  I added the sashing with the star cornerstones and added the borders and quilting a year or two ago.
I started packing up my Christmas stuff and had this on the pub table with no binding.  I saw it needed a quick wash so completed it with green binding before washing..

Here ar a few up close photos

I snapped a few more pictures I did of this Christmas/wintery quilt I made in a couple of weeks just before Christmas.  Another using layer cake squares and yardage.

I already blogged about it but the pictures don't look very pretty so I cleaned the camera lens on my phone and snapped a few more.  Isn't this up close scene pretty?

This block is whimsical with woodland creatures and foliage

Some more woodland creatures from my stash and you can see the Christmas trees panto


Update: Sweet Valentine Quilt Complete

I finished this up last week and want to share it before February ends. I'm so happy with how it turned out. I added a red satin heart. ...