Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Green and purple quilt

green and purple quilt

Here you can see the blue flower that RBD selected to put by his garden path

volunteer sweet peas

Lovely sweet peas!

cute garden shed

Cute shed that RBD and I built a couple of years ago

A little over a year ago I was a very beginner quilter. At my church, we make quilts for the graduating girls to welcome them into the women's organization. I couldn't find any cute sheets to "tie" together and embarked upon a challenge to piece together two quilt tops for the girls who were graduating, one of them my daughter and this is the quilt that we made for her. Another church lady long arm quilted both quilts and they turned out delightful! My inspiration for this green and purple quilt came from a book called "Through the Garden Gate".

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Molly's quilt

My friend's mom who was a sewer, died.  My friend inherited some odds and ends of things including a puppy named Molly and several little ironing boards in different sizes and shapes.  I was lucky to receive the small ironing boards.  I wondered what I could do for my friend and decided to make Molly a quilt.

Quilt for Molly
I ordered some 10 inch squares of a collection of fabrics called "Parlour Pets" because it was cute and Molly preferred pink and purple.
 It needed some special free motion quilting and luckily I took the class last year and love to make swirls and echos of the swirls.  This time I tried words like Molly, woof, ruff, bow wow, and even added pictures of balloons, sleepy moon faces, and hearts.
 My friend spoke with such love for this little puppy (Molly) who assuaged her grief  and it touched my heart.
quilt label
At my quilt guild meeting they said that quilts have a lot of history and meaning but often the years go by and no one know when or where the quilt originates and therefore every quilt should have a label.  

Sunshine 16

I'm starting this blog to celebrate my new Sunshine 16 quilting machine and frame that should arrive any day.  I am looking forward to making many wonderful quilts and want to share my creations.  I have a place to put this 10 foot long quilt frame because a few years ago when we pitched our roof, I was lucky enough to get an attic with a craft room where I spend many happy hours!  I'm so excited!  Received Sunshine 16 midarm quilting machine April 27th, 2012.  RBD (husband) helped me begin the assembly but then went on his annual weeklong fishing trip so we completed the assembly yesterday.  Instructions were a bit difficult to follow.
Sunshine 16 midarm quilting machine instructions

Sunshine 16 quilt frame assembly

Sunshine 16.  Isn't it pretty?  Made in U.S.A!!!
Now I have to figure out how to load a quilt and then learn to use my new machine.

Double Irish Chain Completed on March 17th

Where did the time go?  I thought I'd published this but must've forgotten. Quilted and bound. Before quilting and binding Also comp...