Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Sunshine 16

I'm starting this blog to celebrate my new Sunshine 16 quilting machine and frame that should arrive any day.  I am looking forward to making many wonderful quilts and want to share my creations.  I have a place to put this 10 foot long quilt frame because a few years ago when we pitched our roof, I was lucky enough to get an attic with a craft room where I spend many happy hours!  I'm so excited!  Received Sunshine 16 midarm quilting machine April 27th, 2012.  RBD (husband) helped me begin the assembly but then went on his annual weeklong fishing trip so we completed the assembly yesterday.  Instructions were a bit difficult to follow.
Sunshine 16 midarm quilting machine instructions

Sunshine 16 quilt frame assembly

Sunshine 16.  Isn't it pretty?  Made in U.S.A!!!
Now I have to figure out how to load a quilt and then learn to use my new machine.


KC said...

Hi Sheri, I too just got my Sunshine 16 and have it finally set up and hopefully will set to quilt in a few days.
I agree that the instructions were challenging,but I perservered and got it completed!!! I feel that it is a substanial frame and well made.
Did you attach the electrical outlet anywhere? Also, maybe a dump question but is there a pressor foot lever?

Anonymous said...

Waiting on my Sunshine 16. Sooo Excited.

Anonymous said...

Waiting on my Sunshine 16. Sooo Excited.

Valentines, Ribbons, and Bows

I wanted to publish before the holiday and may not get this complete so will go ahead and publish for now and update later. I wanted to make...