Sunday, November 25, 2012

Rainbow, primary, and fall colors!

A quilt made for a friends first grandchild.  Richard Scary, Busy town blocks and small machine free motion quilting.

I cut the striped binding on the bias and added colorful pinwheels to the corners.

I finally completed my daughter's rainbow heart quilt on the Sunshine 16.  I added green binding and quilted cinnamon rolls in each border block on my small machine.  I had a lot less trouble using the Sunshine 16, than with my fall leaf quilt.  Someone at my quilt guild said there's a two year learning curve when learning to long arm quilt.  That consoled me because for awhile I almost thought there was no hope!

My niece wants a quilt with these leaf blocks that we saw in a Better Homes and Garden quilting book.  I picked some real fall leaves and threw them down by the blocks to see if I'm getting the colors right.  Looks pretty good so far!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Fall leaf quilt -- tesselating leaves finally complete and ready to be slept under tonight!

the middle portion was quilted on the sunshine 16 but I had quite a bit of trouble.  I had to do all the sides, about a foot from the edge on my small machine with free motion quilting.  It has lots of flaws but I still love it and am so glad it's done!

I want to make some pillow cases in some of the matching fabrics with cordinating flanges.  Hope it doesn't take another year!

One of the reasons I let my daughter get a cat was so I could have quilt pictures with a pet lying strategically!  Hah!

Double Irish Chain Completed on March 17th

Where did the time go?  I thought I'd published this but must've forgotten. Quilted and bound. Before quilting and binding Also comp...