Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Sheep Shearing Day

The quilt guild meeting (the Piecemakers) begins in about an hour and I've finally completed the table runner I'm donating for the raffle.   I've named it "Sheep Shearing Day".   Ardenwood, a local community run farm/ranch will host sheep shearing day later this month and there will be all sorts of festivities where people dress in pioneer clothing and there is food, booths and music from the time period.  It's very fun!  I'll be selling tickets for the yearly opportunity quilt which will be raffled off at the end of the year.

Here you can see the curlique stitching and  I just sewed a filled in circle for the eyes.

This is lovely with the pansies in the foreground!

In the garden with the sunshine you can see the quilting well.  This was quilted using free motion quilting on my domestic sewing machine.

Love the way the sunlight and shadows highlight the quilting.


Madame Purl said...

Super cute! I love the fleece looking quilting.

Teje Karjalainen said...

This is beautifu and fun! Lovely photos, too!

legato1958 said...

Awww this is adorable! I found it!
I love these dear sheep and the fence! Your quilting is awesome for the textures! Did you make this pattern up?


Whimsical Fall Topper

I found this post unpublished so figure I'll go ahead and publish it for now and I'll do another one next fall when I add the bindin...