Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Free Motion Quilting Tips

One of my complaints when I free motion quilt on my small sewing machine, is that I can't see well.  To remedy that I've put an extra light that I can shine onto the sewing machine bed and that is definitely helpful.  

But the other day I thought, can I tilt the whole sewing machine and acrylic extension table forward to increase my visibility?  And I did and it's better!

I put my KIS essential oil box under one foot.  Note:  I put 2 drops of the lavender oil in my spray water bottle and as I spray the fabric and iron, I enjoy some aromatherapy as well as my quilting projects!

I thought I'd show you how the afternoon sun comes into my attic room and you can see I've put up a few fall wall hangings up too!  And you can also see how the machine bed and table are tilting forward.

You can see how the sewing space is illuminated by the light.

It does make it easier to see my work as I quilt.

Of course when I got back from eating dinner and I was ready to quilt, this is what I found.


legato1958 said...

Hah!! No amount of tilting will get him off if he doesn't want to move off ! Good idea to make the quilting as visible as possible...
(I'm still timid. I must dig in on something small soon.)


Tami C said...

What a cute furbaby! Mine does the same thing if I leave my quilting for a little while. He just loves helping me!

Valentines, Ribbons, and Bows

I wanted to publish before the holiday and may not get this complete so will go ahead and publish for now and update later. I wanted to make...