Friday, January 17, 2014

Scottie Dog Baby Quilt and Pillow Completed

I'm so happy that I'm ready to mail this little Scottie dog set to Sydney Carol, my 1st cousin, twice removed!

Sydney Carol
It's bound with pink stripes going diagonally.

It's quilted with King Tut, Tiny Tuts variegated pastels.

I even made a Scottie dog label and called it "Scotties for Sydney"

Here is the little set sitting on my shelves.  Always good to do a photo op here because the shelves get dusted and rearranged.  I decided to keep the little snowman up for now and hope to do something Christmas-y throughout the year.


Astrid said...

Love your Scottie dog set - so cute!

Kay said...

This is absolutely adorable! Sydney is a lucky baby. I would have found it a hard set to give away.

Maggie said...

So beautiful. Your quilt and the little Scottie dog. What a lucky baby! Xx

Brandy said...

Oh my goodness, Sheri this is adorable! Thanks for sharing how you made the stuffed animal, I can definitely see this project in my future. It's adorable, and what a lucky cousin you have!

Elaine said...

Love the Scotties in retro prints... I hope to be working on some more ME crafts this year.

Happy New Year!

One New and Some Finishing up Projects. First completed Project of the Year!  I started and completed this patchwork quilt in about a week, ...