Monday, March 31, 2014

My Real Triangles for the Triangle Quilt Along

A choir was adorned in lovely colors and part of the choir members were even in a triangle configuration, giving me the idea... 
.... to use those colors for my triangle quilt along quilt!
Click here for more info.

I also got my triangle baby quilt completed, as well as one more baby quilt.
Quilted with straight stitching 1/4" from the seams
Pieced together back (and uneven straight lines).

I started this baby quilt a while back and finally completed it today.  Hour glass blocks alternated with charm square size blocks.

Pieced together back includes an hour glass block.

Click here to find out more and join the fun!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Triangle Quilt Along Cutting and Impromptu Baby Quilt


I got up this morning excited because today is the day Paula of the Sassy Quilter published the triangle cutting instructions for the Triangle quilt along.  Also, I planned to make some baby quilts.
While I was reading the cutting instructions, I thought, "Hmmm... I think I'll combine the two activities and cut out triangles for a baby quilt."  Particularly noteworthy is that Paula has us cut 1/4" off the point of each triangle, which makes it so easy to sew them together accurately!

After I cut out the triangles, I couldn't resist, and I started sewing them together.
I sewed two together and another two together until I had a long string of them!

I started with these 32 triangles, not knowing how many I'd need.
I cut some more triangles, including white, black, and red stars for more variety, until I had 54 triangles, which is a good size for a baby quilt.
 I recently saw some straight pins with numbers on them for keeping track of your rows.  I don't have them, so I put 1 pin in row 1, 2 pins in row two, all the way up to 6 pins in row 6.
But all those pins were not efficient, with the pinning, unpinning, ironing, etc.  So I came up with a new method.  I assigned a row number to a pin head color.  Red, yellow, and blue are 1,2,3 like the song, row 4 is pink, row 5 is gold (for 5 golden rings), and row 6 is green.
Here's my finished baby quilt top.  I didn't trim any of the triangles (since I didn't know how to) and amazingly, the points are not perfect, but pretty good!

I'll still be participating in the Triangle Quilt Along and am glad I have a whole week to cut out my triangles.  I'll look forward to the "real" sewing instructions!

Also there's a linky party at My Go Go Life and I linked up there.  So Fresh Quilts linked up the cutest fox/raccoon triangle quilt I've ever seen!  Drop by for the fun! 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Sew Kitschy Mixing Bowl


I'm lucky to be home today and looking at all the posts on Bloglovin' and decided to do a post with my WIPs.

This table topper features Easter egg color blocks on point.
I got the pattern on Craftsy here.    I made mine a little differently and sewed 2 1/2" strips together and made them into 4 patches and set them on point and added the setting and corner triangles.
   It is called Mini Charm Square Table Topper
I got this panel a year or two ago and have it pinned so I can do some free motion quilting on it.  It will be a wall hanging.

Are you sewing any thing with bunnies?  I want to and made some sketches along with a Celtic knot (would go well with the above wall hanging) which I hope to do one of these days:
Here are my number 9 and 10 Layer Cake Quilt Along blocks

I'm linking up with Freshly Pieced.  Go by and see the lovely projects!  My favorite is the cat on the Turtle table topper!
 WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced
Well, as much as I love to look at all the wonderful blogs, I want to make my Sew Kitschy block, so better go for now!  See you soon!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Joining the Triangle Quilt Along

Go by Paula's blog if you want to find out more and browse around.
I might use a variety of bright fabrics.  But since I can't cut yet, I'll think about it a little more and see what everyone else is doing.

Here's the coloring sheet to help us visualize our quilts.  I'm so excited but Paula hasn't posted any cutting directions yet!  It's going to be hard to wait until next Friday!  Now I know why people go rogue!

I can hardly wait to get started!!!

March Handmade Christmas -- Garden Style

Little Quilted Fabric Basket filled with gardening items and a wall hanging for the Handmade Christmas Challenge
In addition to the made items, I also have two potholders started and more fabric for an apron to add to the basket or perhaps make a Kitchen Basket gift.  Click here to go to Sew Cal Gal's March challenge page

The two bits of Inspiration  (or should say Pinspiration)
1.  Fabric Basket  Click here to go to Make it Do blog.  Calli has a link to the tutorial she followed for her "lost socks basket".
2.  An ironing board cover tutorial.  Thought I'd using this
piece of fabric that is sort of ugly. 
As the fabric laid on the ironing board, I remembered that the idea was to cut out the individual pictures and make pot holders, wallhangings, pillows, etc.  and so the garden gift in a basket idea came to be.

The Rest of the Story...

I found seed packets, the watering globes and frogs at Walmart.  The frogs have a pretty mosaic back but need painted.
Just needs some paint!
Different shades of green.

I went to Tuesday Morning and found the gardening gloves, the flower pot flower decoration and lots of other cute things for future gift baskets.  I was hoping to find a cute little Mary Engelbreit gardening book, but didn't find anything like that.
Some outdoor pictures of the Potting Shed hanging.

I even have a potting shed!

Roses in bloom.

I'm so lucky to have some flowers blooming right outside my bedroom window!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Blogger Girls II March Blocks

Just finished up two new quilt blocks. 
I introduced the bigger black polkadot and pink cherry fabrics.

The whole set so far.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Layer Cake Quilt Along Progress and a Halt

Still quilting along (without a layer cake).  It's been four weeks and I now have eight 16 1/2" purple and gray blocks.

For my red version, I got the star block made but got discouraged when I realized that I sewed the stripes in different directions.  I don't want to pick it out.  I'm not enthusiastic about continuing (probably taking on too much at one time).  I have the HST's all made for 3 more blocks, but instead, I packaged it all up and will put it away for now.

Layer Cake Sampler QAL button2
To learn more, visit  Amanda's blog, Material Girl Quilts.
Visit the Flickr group to see all kinds of beautiful Layer Cake Quilt Blocks

quilt on bed 2
It's even more gorgeous in this photo!

Double Irish Chain Completed on March 17th

Where did the time go?  I thought I'd published this but must've forgotten. Quilted and bound. Before quilting and binding Also comp...