Saturday, March 22, 2014

March Handmade Christmas -- Garden Style

Little Quilted Fabric Basket filled with gardening items and a wall hanging for the Handmade Christmas Challenge
In addition to the made items, I also have two potholders started and more fabric for an apron to add to the basket or perhaps make a Kitchen Basket gift.  Click here to go to Sew Cal Gal's March challenge page

The two bits of Inspiration  (or should say Pinspiration)
1.  Fabric Basket  Click here to go to Make it Do blog.  Calli has a link to the tutorial she followed for her "lost socks basket".
2.  An ironing board cover tutorial.  Thought I'd using this
piece of fabric that is sort of ugly. 
As the fabric laid on the ironing board, I remembered that the idea was to cut out the individual pictures and make pot holders, wallhangings, pillows, etc.  and so the garden gift in a basket idea came to be.

The Rest of the Story...

I found seed packets, the watering globes and frogs at Walmart.  The frogs have a pretty mosaic back but need painted.
Just needs some paint!
Different shades of green.

I went to Tuesday Morning and found the gardening gloves, the flower pot flower decoration and lots of other cute things for future gift baskets.  I was hoping to find a cute little Mary Engelbreit gardening book, but didn't find anything like that.
Some outdoor pictures of the Potting Shed hanging.

I even have a potting shed!

Roses in bloom.

I'm so lucky to have some flowers blooming right outside my bedroom window!

1 comment:

Elaine said...

Sheri I am just catching up on looking at the Christmas posts. I absolutely love yours! And that basket! love it!

Valentines, Ribbons, and Bows

I wanted to publish before the holiday and may not get this complete so will go ahead and publish for now and update later. I wanted to make...