Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Tri-Angler triangle quilt, Layer Cake progress, & Sew Kitschy

It's the end of the month and so I've been sewing like crazy to catch up with my sew alongs.
I just completed a special birthday gift for my fisherman (born on the 1906 San Francisco earthquake anniversary). 
Of course the moment I laid it out for a photograph, this little helper ran over and stretched out to claim it for herself (I guess she likes fishing too)!

It's made with kona cotton solids and some fabric with fish on it.  Finished size is 52 x 63".  I'm going to make a label and call it Tri-Angler!
This will be my entry in the final link up.  Stop by and see all the beautiful quilts there!
 (I will complete my bright spring colors triangle quilt later.)

I finished all of my layer cake sampler quilt blocks except numbers 19 and 20, which are due this week.  You can visit The Material Girl by clicking here.

Sew Kitschy Update

I've gotten a little better at paper piecing.  My teapot block for the Sew Kitschy turned out bigger and I didn't know why until I checked the pattern and realized that the blocks are supposed to be 10 1/2" (unfinished).  My others are 9 1/2" and so I'll have to add on some borders or maybe do them over.

Paper piecing is challenging, but rewarding when you get the pieces to line up and get a block completed!
You can visit Kristy at Quiet Play to learn more about Sew Kitschy here.

Thanks for visiting!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Reversible Quilted Easter Baskets and Tutorial

My friend Susie said that baskets, like bunnies, tend to multiply at her house and now it's happening here too!
Each basket takes two fat quarters, some batting, and buttons.  That's it!

It's quite fun picking out some coordinating fabric and sewing them up!  (See my Saturday post for the link to the bunny tutorial too!)

These colorful Easter Baskets are simple and quick to make.

They are also Reversible

I made my own tutorial for reference, because I altered the original pattern quite a bit.  Click the READ MORE to see the tutorial.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Rabbits and Basket with links to Tutorials

Also check out my post from yesterday for more samples and my own tutorial for a reversible basket!

I saw this bunny pattern (on Sew Thankful Sunday --Julie the Crafty Quilter's blog) and loved it right away!  Find this Easter Bunny Softie Pattern by Amy at Positively Splendid here.
Easter Bunny Softie Pattern
I've been planning to go buy the Matelasse (French for "quilted") when I found some scraps my friend gave me after reupolstering her couch.  The right side of the fabric is taupe and the wrong side is more cream color.  So I sewed one of each.

I tried a new pattern for the basket.
Here's the link to the tutorial by Christina at Birch Fabrics
I made the large basket/bin but shortened it because I added the handle and didn't want to fold the lining down.
Aren't the bunnies cute!  They look like they're being affectionate.  I was thinking they'd also look attractive made from corduroy or velveteen with a matching basket.
Linking up with Marelize at Stitch by Stitch on Anything Goes Monday
stitch by stitchMonday Funday FeatureSkip To My Lou
Also linking up with Jamie at CRAFT (creating Really Awesome Free Things) -- Monday Funday
Cheryl at Sew Can Do Craftastic Monday and Skip to my Lou

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

A New Look for my Blog

I love to visit Susie of Susie's Sunroom and see the many useful and attractive projects she sews.  Lately I've noticed she has changed the pictures in her blog header a few times and I was curious how she does it.  Luckily she gave me some tips.  
Susie's Sunroom
I love the way everything is color coordinated in spring colors!

So my blog has a new look!  I look forward to more sewing, improving my skills at photography, editing, and making picture collages so I can update my blog's appearance for seasons and holidays!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Adding Tabs to Your Blog on Blogger

I have a friend who is starting a blog and is having difficulty adding TABS.  I'm hoping this tutorial might help her and maybe someone else too!

Step 1.  Go to your Blogger Dashboard
Step 2:  Go to your drop down menu and select Pages

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Triangle Quilt Strip Parade! for the Triangle Quilt Along

Parade of triangle strips on the garden fence.

Laying out the triangles
I spent way too much time doing this, since it seemed too much bother to figure out how to keep them in this order.
Triangles sewn two by two.

Can you see the cauliflour peeking out?

Stop by The Sassy Quilter to see the Linky party and instructions for sewing the triangles together or go to the Flickr page to see all the wonderful triangles in all sorts of stages!

Double Irish Chain Completed on March 17th

Where did the time go?  I thought I'd published this but must've forgotten. Quilted and bound. Before quilting and binding Also comp...