Monday, December 8, 2014

2014 Handmade Christmas Challenge Gallery

My first project back in January was this apron tutorial.
I had planned to make more aprons throughout the year and didn't get to it until the last few days-- what a festive little group of aprons -- the most recent additions.

Here are some photos of projects through out the year.

 Christmas sewing is so fun!  But I never would have accomplished as many projects without the challenge.
Thanks SewCalGal!
Linking up with Crazy Mom Quilts


legato1958 said...

Wow! You have so many completed holiday projects now! I am now officially jealous!!
My fave fave fave is that Reindeer Pillow!!! I LOVE everything about it! The fabrics and quilting and the back and embroidery!! I also love your kitchen towels and potholder very much.... Well done, Sheri.
Will you do this again in 2015 ?

Daytona Damsel said...

Like those aprons and love the reindeer pillow. When did you say you started these? Great work.

SuperMomNoCape said...

What great gifts you've made over the course of the year. Well done!

Jenny said...

You have had a very busy year. What a great lot of Christmas gifts, all made in time for the Big Day. Congratulations!!

Jean said...

Love all of your pretty projects! You were certainly busy and took the challenge to heart. Are they gifts or for your Christmas cheer?

Jasmine said...

What a wonderful group of projects. It is hard to pick a favorite, but I love the zig zag with the feathered quilting.

Valentines, Ribbons, and Bows

I wanted to publish before the holiday and may not get this complete so will go ahead and publish for now and update later. I wanted to make...