Saturday, January 24, 2015

Christmas Corner January 2015

Welcome to Christmas Corner-- a place to share Christmas designs on the 25th of each month!  At the start of a new year, it's important to check which UFO's to complete and plan some quilt alongs and other quilting projects to begin.  Here's a mini parade of my Christmas UFOs.
Presents around a tree.  Lost motivation to complete this because it's a little boring-- maybe a large red border would help?

Snow balled blocks destined to become snow man faces.  Pinwheels made as the corners were snowballed and the triangles cut away.

Little houses need completing, to go around the red, green, and white patchwork.

Missouri Star Disappearing Hour glass blocks in red, white, and gray.

Disappearing Hourglass block  (Link to the Missouri Star Tutorial)

Patchwork Christmas stars.  I'm looking forward to work on these some more.

If you've visited  recently, you know I've spent much time working to finish two 2014 Quilt Doodle BOM's
Second Quilt Doodle BOM quilt along quilt from 2014-- still in process.
The Santa and reindeer are my own creation and addition to this quilt.  I've prepared some cutting instructions so you can add this design to one of your projects.  Note:  Many of the pieces are very small-- I used batik fabric which has a very tight weave and doesn't shift around much with cutting, pressing, and manipulating and that made it possible for me to construct these blocks with relative ease.  I suspect using other fabric might be a nightmare.
This diagram is for reference but use the measurements from the next color coded diagram since I've made some corrections.

The diagram is color coded to help with cutting, organizing, and sewing together the sections.  Note:  Untested and may contain errors.  If you find errors, need further instructions or have suggestions, let me know.
One completed project for January-- the Quilt Doodle BOM

Keep Christmas in your heart year round by working on Christmas projects! 

Linking up with Crazy Mom Quilts

7 comments: said...

I love the top snowmen blocks, the way you placed them in the 4 patch and your colors ...great inspiration for me! Looks like you have been very busy! Are you doing the 2015 sewalong?

Kate said...

Oh my but you're a busy gal! Love it all but my favourite is the tree with the presents ...

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Wow! Great projects! I really like your tree surrounded by presents, not boring at all!

Dee D said...

I love all your Christmas things. I'm curious about the moon behind Santa and his sleigh - did you applique it?

Suzanne Ramsay said...

The tree and presents is NOT boring. It is lovely. Your patterns are great inspirations.

Sandy Panagos said...

They are all great! I really like the presents around the tree, not boring at all.

Elaine said...

Love your added touch. I have a similar sleigh scribble somewhere. So fun designing right? Well done!

Update: Sweet Valentine Quilt Complete

I finished this up last week and want to share it before February ends. I'm so happy with how it turned out. I added a red satin heart. ...