Monday, January 19, 2015

Scrappy Cat Pillow Pattern

A few people were interested in getting a pattern for my scrappy cat pillow top.

If you search for tessellating cat quilt patterns, you'll see all sorts of versions.  Here's a graph and link to this page which is similar to mine.  I saw one a lady made and she said she got it from the Oct. 2009 McCalls magazine.
Fancy tessellating cat quilt pattern, tails curled.

I'm getting motivated to try this again.

Here are some unfinished dimensions in inches for the cat sections for mine.  You can cut out and assemble intuitively, using a few instructions I included below.  
Ooops.  I already see a mistake-- the body piece should say 9 1/2 x 4 1/2".

Ear sections background   Ears 2" square (draw a diagonal line) 
5 x 2" background and apply the 2" squares to each corner, sew on the diagonal line and then trim off leaving 1/4" seam.

5 x 3 1/2"

Body 4 1/2" x 9 1/2"

Flank (on the lounging cats)
3 1/2" HST (half square triangle  cut 3 7/8" squares (one main cat and one other cat colors) and sew into two HSTs (trim to 3 1/2")

Straight Tail
7 1/2 x 2"  plus two 1" squares marked with diagonal line and sewn to create the curved end.

Curved tail
See diagram and cut out each piece. 
a.  To the 2 1/2" squares apply a 1 1/2" square with drawn diagonal line to one corner and sew along the diagonal and trim leaving 1/4" seam.  Press back.
b.  To the 4 1/2 x 1 1/2" (yellow section on diagram).  Sew 1 1/2" squares with drawn diagonal lines to each end, sew along the diagonal line, trim, and press.  
Sew curved tail sections (including the haunch) together.
Probably needs some testing so good luck!

Linking up with Connie at Freemotion by the River


SuperMomNoCape said...

Thanks so much, Sherri for giving us the measurements! I'm off to search through my scraps to see what I can come up with.

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

Cute pillow and tessellating patterns are always so neat!

Valentines, Ribbons, and Bows

I wanted to publish before the holiday and may not get this complete so will go ahead and publish for now and update later. I wanted to make...