Saturday, April 11, 2015

Patriotic Flair

One of my coworkers asked me to teach a class for several months ending in July, and she suggested making something Patriotic.
I thought this simple design would be good for beginners.

As I looked for ideas, I found many similar of this fabulous flag design and decided to make it.  I forgot about marking with erasable pen and used red pen instead.  As I machine quilted the words on the first line, I could not stitch exactly over the pen marks and consequently it looked terrible, so I picked it all out.  Now I must do it by hand.

Here are some blocks I made in my first year of quilting.  I machine quilted some words on some muslin and sewed to the bottom of the blocks.  I remembered this time to use the erasable pen and it worked out well.  I think they will become a wallhanging/table runner.

I made this table runner/ wall hanging in my first year of quilting back in 2011.

Here is another of the little table runners that I made last summer.  The pattern/tutorial that I used is by Sherri at A Quilting Life and can be found here.
Linking up with Crazy Mom Quilts, and Sew Fresh Quilts


legato1958 said...

What fun to be teaching a class this summer! I think the pattern with the 9 patch blocks in the summer RW&B colors will be a great project! I do like your flag block. Hoping your hand embroidery will come out great!

Lara B. said...

Sheri, I love how the red in your flag is string pieced. That is a bummer about the red ink, but the hand done embroidery will be very lovely too.
Your students will love the patriotic blocks!

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Nice design, your embroidery will look wonderful. It is fun to teach a class isn't it!!

Lorna McMahon said...

Yay! SO happy for you in being asked to teach a class! All of your finished projects are simply gorgeous. Congratulations Sheri!

Elaine said...

I love all red, white and blue. It's looking great. Yeah, I've had the pen issue as well. Still looks really good!

Happy New Year!

One New and Some Finishing up Projects. First completed Project of the Year!  I started and completed this patchwork quilt in about a week, ...