Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Red, White, and Blue and Star Trek

I finished up a little red, white, and blue table runner tonight since tomorrow is July 1st.
This simple design is from a Scrappy nine patch pattern by Sherri at a Quilting Life --(you can find the tutorial here).

 July 1st is also my coworker's birthday.  He builds model ships, organizes the yearly Christmas party and makes beautiful cross stitched gifts (among other things.)
I thought I'd make a Needle Book for him for his birthday.  He loves Star Trek and as I was wondering about buying a piece of Star Trek fabric...

 I remembered the freezer paper method of printing from your printer onto fabric.  
So I made my own Star Trek fabric!  I printed out the words Star Trek, Captain Nimoy for the front...
Live Long and Prosper and a drawing of the USS Enterprise (for the inside back cover pocket)...
  And this Star fleet Command for the back.  I can't wait to give it to Dave!

If you want to try out printing on fabric you can find many tutorials online and it's so easy you just cut out some fabric and iron it onto the shiny side of the freezer paper and then it feeds into your printer and prints whatever you want and then you just peel the freezer paper away!  I got my freezer paper at Walmart in the paper napkins, baggies, paper plates, etc. isle.
For inside the front cover -- a birthday cake drawn with micron and sharpie markers and embellished with some Star Trek insignia.


Thursday, June 25, 2015

Christmas Corner June 2015

Merry Christmas Corner!  A Place to share ideas and work on Christmas Projects throughout the year!
I got a few things accomplished this month.  Have you started thinking about Christmas sewing yet?  Seven months to go.

Cathy of A Quilting Chick has been hosting this encore quilt along with permission from the original designer and blogger, JULIANNA GASIOROWSKA
of  Sewing under Rainbow  who held the Last Minute Quilt Along last year.  A paper pieced angel is due for June.  Note:  If you visit her blog, you'll see the words are in Polish, but she provides an English translation below each paragraph.  It's fun and free!

Also on Julianna's blog, I found a button for another free Christmas Quilt Along starting on July 8th with just 3 blocks (made 3 times) and it's so cute I'm planning on joining in so stop back on July 25th to see my version!

Here's the button and sample:
Here's the link to the Fat Quarter Shop with more details.
Back to my work....
I started this 9 patch star quilt back in January.  This month I completed 14 blocks for two sides of this quilt.  The blocks (other than some of the border blocks) are 9 1/2" unfinished.  I love that it is scrappy and that each finished star is 18" so it goes together pretty quickly!

As hinted at last month, I've completed a tutorial for this deer block.  It can become a wallhanging, pillow, or part of a woodland animal quilt.  I debated whether to make a red Christmasy background and maybe a red nose, but in the end went with a black nose and the blue snow flake background
I would love to have some pattern testers.  Please contact me for questions or if you find errors in the instructions.  Thanks so much for stopping by!

Linking up with Crazy Mom Quilts

Read on for the tutorial!

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Pin Wheels, Mermaids, Castles, Pirates and More!

First the pinwheel blocks
I started off adding white triangle corners to some of the blocks but then decided to remove the white corners and add all colored corners for more brightness.

I got all these HST pinwheels made this week and of course the cat had to run over to get into the picture.  I tried to make her move, but the blocks started getting messed up, so she got to stay in after all.  I used the quick method of placing 10" squares together and then sew around the perimeter and then slice diagonally both ways, which gives you four 6 1/2" HSTs.  You end up with a 12 1/2" block.
Now some quilts with patterns by Elaine the Summer Crafter!  Here's the link for her darling patterns.  (She currently has them on sale too.)
This is the Duck, Duck, Goose pattern.  I got it all quilted last night and just need to add the binding.  Also, I'm going to add some pink bows on some of the necks and heads for a special touch.

It is for my very good friend's son's family who adopted a baby girl!

I found some interesting orange flannel for the back.  Flannel is much more cozy on the cold days-- although here in the West were having a bit of a heat wave lately.

I went and bought this pattern immediately when I saw it displayed by Susie (Susie's Sunroom) because it was so cute!  I showed it on the blog before but had to include it in the line up since it's also one of Elaine's patterns, called High Seas.  (I added the X marks the spot path.)  Incidentally, Susie is currently displaying another lovely quilt made with one of Elaine's patterns, called Watercolor Seahorses!

And here is another cute ocean themed quilt called Mermaid Dreams!
I'm so lucky to have met Elaine and others while participating in The Crafty Quilter's Christmas in July Blog Hop in 2013.  Elaine has gone on to start her own quilt pattern business and rubbing shoulders with famous quilters at Quilt Market!  It's fun to see her progress and success!

Linking up with Crazy Mom Quilts.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Half Square Triangle Quilt Blocks Complete

I started this quilt along with Shannon at Modern Tradition Quilts back in January.

I made 3 extra blocks (Shannon's has 9 blocks), but just this minute, I'm thinking that I will make 4 more blocks.

So it looks like this quilt will take a few more months after all!

Linking up with Crazy Mom Quilts.

Double Irish Chain Completed on March 17th

Where did the time go?  I thought I'd published this but must've forgotten. Quilted and bound. Before quilting and binding Also comp...