Thursday, May 26, 2016

Mermaid Etching and More

A few years ago I bought some etching cream after I'd cut people's lasts names out of vinyl using my Cricut.  The names were etched onto the back of a baking dish, which is a great idea for a gift or so the recipient of a casserole will then know where to return the dish.
The other day I took out the supplies and began this project (knowing my husband would be gone for a number of hours).  I used a water based marker to draw this design onto the outside of the glass and then used a paint brush to apply the etching cream to the inside of the glass.  The first round didn't turn out well and when I googled troubleshooting, one person suggested cleaning the glass with alcohol first and shaking the etching cream extremely well which did the trick.
 Image result for mermaid etching on pinterest  Here's the link for the image I used for my inspiration.

And here are a couple more projects that are nearing completion.
Quilting finished -- just needs some binding now.  I'm going to make a matching pillow too.

 Pink Pinwheels Quilt top finished and am preparing the backing now.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Free Quilt Pattern: Daybreak

Even though I have never been interested in making a drunkard's path quilt block, this week I couldn't resist when I saw Sherri McConnel's new Daybreak Quilt Pattern.
 I pulled out fabrics on hand in similar colors, downloaded the free pattern here, and began sewing.  The greatest thing is that each quilt block has only 1, did you get that -- ONE seam!  Yes it's a curved seam but I just cut my pieces 1/4" bigger than the template and it was easy to square it up to 9 1/2"so the quilt goes together quickly too. 
There is even a video that can help you, although I admit I just dived in without watching the video.
 I love the combo of the lovely pattern design and Sherri and Chelsea's new fabric line colors but since I have 100's of yards of fabric already....

 I have the quilt top loaded onto my Sunshine 16.

 I'm even getting brave and freehanding feathers.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Circa 2016 & Pink Pinwheels

I've been catching up on my Circa Blocks

Just a few more to be all caught up and looking forward to see what new pattern that will be available on Friday the 13th!
 Also working on 13 1/2" pinwheel blocks
This will be a twin size quilt for a Samantha, whose favorite color is pink, who is graduating

from high school and to welcome her into the women's organization at church

I also love pink!!!
Linking up with Crazy Mom Quilts
Now onto Funtastic Friday...
Funtastic Friday Party Button
Welcome to Funtastic Friday #74!

Friday, May 6, 2016

Scrappy Cats Quilt Finish

Began in January and completed yesterday!  Scrappy Cats Pattern by Antonie Alexander

Not easy to photograph because no matter where you stand the cats face away and it's big 75 x 75".

Looks like the cats are peaking out.  I embroidered their whiskers and sewed on their button eyes prior to quilting  I quilted closely to the stars in hope that they'd sort of pop up, but it didn't really work out that way.

Since I finished within the grace period, I'll be linking up with the Crafty Quilter's April UFOs here to show off my finish -- stop by to see her lovely Super sized Stars finish and lots of other beautiful finishes!  I'm also linking up with Funtastic Friday and  Crazy Mom Quilts.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Scrappy Granny Squares, Nine Patches

After finding bunches of 3" squares that someone at church had bagged up long ago, I resorted them into stacks by color.
I sewed some 9 patches first

Then to sew some Granny Squares, I added one more matching square to each side along with setting and corner triangles to make these cute blocks.

This one has a Christmas theme.

This bird would be very cute in the center of a 9 patch.

Double Irish Chain Completed on March 17th

Where did the time go?  I thought I'd published this but must've forgotten. Quilted and bound. Before quilting and binding Also comp...