Thursday, May 26, 2016

Mermaid Etching and More

A few years ago I bought some etching cream after I'd cut people's lasts names out of vinyl using my Cricut.  The names were etched onto the back of a baking dish, which is a great idea for a gift or so the recipient of a casserole will then know where to return the dish.
The other day I took out the supplies and began this project (knowing my husband would be gone for a number of hours).  I used a water based marker to draw this design onto the outside of the glass and then used a paint brush to apply the etching cream to the inside of the glass.  The first round didn't turn out well and when I googled troubleshooting, one person suggested cleaning the glass with alcohol first and shaking the etching cream extremely well which did the trick.
 Image result for mermaid etching on pinterest  Here's the link for the image I used for my inspiration.

And here are a couple more projects that are nearing completion.
Quilting finished -- just needs some binding now.  I'm going to make a matching pillow too.

 Pink Pinwheels Quilt top finished and am preparing the backing now.

1 comment:

Victoria @DazzleWhileFrazzled said...

Great mermaid! What did your husband think? Thanks for linking up with Funtastic Friday.

Valentines, Ribbons, and Bows

I wanted to publish before the holiday and may not get this complete so will go ahead and publish for now and update later. I wanted to make...