Sunday, October 29, 2017


We went to Yellowstone last week.  What a magnificent wonder of the world!

It had snowed the week before, but the weather was sunny and in the 50's so good weather for being outdoors.  Behind us is Kepler Cascades but we're blocking the view.  It's a very impressive 200 foot drop!

You can see the warning sign and a Raven to the left.  The ravens with their huge beaks were everywhere.  We started to think they were following us!

Of course we had to see Old Faithful and it's so convenient they predict the eruptions correctly.  It looks like all steam but you can see the water gushing upward in person.

The geothermal activity is amazing and produces these caverns of gorgeous hot water in many shades of blues and aquas.  You can see how thin the crust of land is over the edges and there are warning signs everywhere to stay on the specially built boardwalks.

This one is more greenish blue.  The colors are the result of different thermal loving bacteria.

It's amazing to see the boiling water rushing down into the lakes and rivers.
In one area of the park are the sulfur hot spots.  Very smelly.
The boiling mud pots.

It looks very deep!

Is desolate around the hot craters.  

You feel almost as if you're in another world.  You can see Yellowstone Lake in the background.

The board walk.  There are about 20 Hot Spots around the world (which are places where to magma comes up into a cavernous area close to the earth's crust).  Yellowstone has more geysers than anywhere else on earth.
Of course the wildlife is impressive.  Here's an Elk doe. 

And right up close.  There are many warning signs that remind that although the bison look content and gentle, they can run 35 miles an hour and be vicious.
We didn't see any bears in the wild, but across the street from where we stayed, was a Wolf and Grizzly Refuge for rescued animals of would otherwise be destroyed.

Did you know there was a Grand Canyon in Yellowstone?

And there's this great canyon rim trail that offers sweeping views and great exercise!

The rock perched on that pinnacle is really a large boulder and seems to defy gravity.  Much more impressive in person.

There is an osprey nest atop those finger pinnacles.

The Lower Falls, largest falls in Yellowstone at 304 feet.

You can hike down to the top of the lower falls and even with this guard rail I was scared to get close to the edge!

The view from the Lower Falls
The Grand Tetons from the Hiway
Thanks for visiting with me!  Hope I got my facts straight.  Linking up with Crazy Mom Quilts

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Lorre's Quilt

A Party was held for a dear coworker who will start a new phase (not working at work) soon.
To continue the tradition started 11 years ago when a coworker retires, (by my sweet manager, Maggie), a quilt was constructed and presented. 

   A Simply Chic charm pack was used along with some Strawberry Fizz fabrics (Craftsy) and some coordinating stash fabrics.  (The Craftsy fabrics are nice and they have great sales, no credit for this comment, just my opinion.)

I made a label and framed it in red for a place for all staff to sign.
 In the distant future, I hope the names will stir fond memories.

I loved piecing, sewing, and quilting this quilt, thinking of my friend Lorre!

I have some instructions here in case you want to make some star flowers, posies, and vines.  I loved making that loop on that lower vine! (Just noticed this was taken before the white binding was sewn on.)
Come back in a couple weeks for another party and another quilt pieced by Maggie and quilted by yours truly, for another friend, Beth, who is also starting that new phase of life.  Lucky Ladies!!

Linking up with Crazy Mom Quilts

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Sneak Peak at Charming Flowers and Vines

The deadline is looming to finish a retirement quilt for a very good coworker friend.  Here are a few sneak peeks

  I got it all loaded on the Q'nique 21 yesterday and started quilting.
I have some brief instructions for this Star Flower...
And for these Posies, Leaves and Vines.  

Star Flowers

1.  Cut 3 flower fabric 4 3/4" squares. (or cut (1) 4 3/4" and (1) 9" x 4 3/4")

2.  Make 6 half square triangles (HSTs) see instructions below

3.  Cut (1) green square 4 3/4" and make (2) green/white HSTs
4.  Cut (4) 4 3/4" background squares for the corners
5.  Arrange as shown below and sew together

To make the six (HSTs), I have two methods.
First method:  Yields 2 HSTs.

1.  Cut (2) 5 1/4" squares (one colored square and one background fabric)

2.  draw a diagonal line on the wrong side of one of the squares.
3.  Place right sides together (RST) and Sew 1/4" from the line on each side of the line
4.  Cut on the line, press open and trim to 4 3/4"  
Second Method:  Yields 4 HSTs
1.  Cut (2) 7 3/8" squares (one colored fabric and one background fabric)
2.  Place (RST) and sew around the perimeter of the square (1/4" seam allowance)
3.  Cut diagonally twice (corner to corner)
4.  Press open and trim to 4 3/4"

Vines and Leaves

To make the vines, cut 1" strips on the bias, connect with a angled seam (to prevent bulk).  Pull through this bias tape maker and press with a little steam as you go.  Yields 1/2" bias tape you can then position into the curving shape you like and stitch down with your favorite applique method.
To make the leaves
1.  Cut out leaves in your choice of shape and size.  Place RST with a backing fabric (you could use muslin or the same fabric you cut your leaves from)

2.  Sew together leaving a scant 1/4" seam

3.  Make little clips in the backing fabric and pull out the right side.

4.  Press, rolling the backing in a little 
4 1/2" block (unfinished)

CUT for each posie
1.  (3) 2 1/2" squares (flower fabric)
2.  (2) 1 1/2" back ground fabric
3.  (1) 1 1/2" green fabric
4.  Stem:  1 3/4" back ground square (cut diagonally) and 1" x 2 1/4" green strip
5.  (5) 1 3/8" back ground squares (draw a diagonal line on each

Snow ball three corners of each 2 1/2" square
1.  Place the 1 3/8" back ground square on corner as shown, leaving about 1/4".
2.  Sew (green stitching) inside the diagonal line (red)
3.  cut on the red line (you can use this triangle piece for another corner as shown)
Sew Stem piece together as shown and trim to 1 1/2" square
Sew the other 1 1/2" pieces together as shown

Sew all 4 pieces together and trim to 4 1/2" square
I'll share the completed quilt in a couple weeks!  Linking up at Crazy Mom Quilts

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Gifts for Pinner's Conference

I've been a busy elf, fashioning some gifts for my friend, to give away at her class, Christmas Traditions, Pinners Utah 2017

A Snowman scene Christmas Pillow, a Christmas Village table topper, and two Christmas tree mug rugs.  I'm going to go look for a couple of mugs and something to sit on the table topper to give away too!

Follow the link to find out more and get your discount code for Pinners!

I'll be there too!  So hope you stop by to say hi and maybe win a Christmas gift!

Double Irish Chain Completed on March 17th

Where did the time go?  I thought I'd published this but must've forgotten. Quilted and bound. Before quilting and binding Also comp...