Saturday, May 12, 2018

Purple Irish Chain for Kate

Kate is 8 and she loves purple!
By the lilac bush this morning.  Purple on the green grass is so pretty!
The finished size is about 66 x 76". 
The backing is lavender gingham flannel.

I started making these little labels written by hand and a little embellishments and sewing into the binding.   On the back is my name, date ,and washing instructions .

After a few pick outs, I got the hang of using a ruler to make straight diagonal lines. 

The borders are filled with feathers and swirls. 

Quilting in process .

Here are a few cutting instructions. 
The 9 patches are made with 2 1/2" squares.   Each 9 patch and alternating cream block are is 6 1/2" unfinished .
Quilt Block Sawtooth Star Tutorial final
The 8" stars in the corner are made using Amy's tutorial here.


Warm Quilts said...

What a lovely quilt for eight year old Kate. Thanks for sharing your label design, too.

Vireya said...

That is just delightful. Your quilting looks great.

Julie @ The Crafty Quilter said...

It's beautiful, Sheri! I love Irish Chain quilts.

Miaismine said...

Beautiful quilt and quilting! I also absolutely love your sweet label. Thank you so much for sharing!

Valentines, Ribbons, and Bows

I wanted to publish before the holiday and may not get this complete so will go ahead and publish for now and update later. I wanted to make...