Thursday, August 15, 2019

Evie's Retirement Quilt

Evie's Quilt Challenge Journey
Evie's style is elegant, color preference: red, gold and cream colors, she's fond of Asian design, and she's not into traditional quilting.
I found some elegant fabrics and this Robert Kaufman's Imperial Collection, 24 inch Red Wisteria Mum Flower Garden panel which I purchased from from Hancock's of Paducah.  It's lovely with suttle gold accents

I saw some panels that were cut and sewn back together with borders and opted for that, going for asymmetry.  Now what borders and should I incorporate any actual quilt blocks?
I found this elegant Cleopatra's fan block and wanted to use them in the quilt.  One in each corner?
I preferred 3 but only on two diagonal corners.
With black borders?
Or without black borders?

I printed it out a Cleopatra's fan block pattern from here and cut each piece out and added 1/4" seam allowance.
 I just found a free Cleopatra's fan block quilt here at Robert Kaufman's website.

Test fan blocks in the backing

All Finished!
Quilting details:  Dragonfly in the corner

Evie loves her quilt!


Rebecca Grace said...

Wow, the combination of the Cleopatras Fan blocks with the Asian prints is stunning!!

KaHolly said...


Barb N said...

That quilt is really pretty! I love your addition of the Cleopatra's fans, your use of complimentary colors, and the quilting just tops it off. She will love that quilt forever!

Happy New Year!

One New and Some Finishing up Projects. First completed Project of the Year!  I started and completed this patchwork quilt in about a week, ...