Saturday, June 26, 2021

The Hungry, Hungry Caterpillar Quilt for a Baby

Isn't this the cutest baby quilt my friend, Faith, made for her friend's grandbaby?

It is a panel and she added the striped border, the tealish blue and then the pinwheels and the last blue border.

The back is all the yummy foods he (or she) ate

I quilted it for her with a flower and swirl design

I think I may order one of these panels!

Linking up with  Confessions of a fabric addict and From Bolt to Beauty and For the Love of Geese


Sylvia said...

Very cute!

Astrid said...

Indeed, the cutest baby quilt! So fun with the pinwheel border, just perfect!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

This quilt is reallllly cute and I love the quilting did you do the quilting on your regular sewing machine?
It looks stellar, Sheri

Barb N said...

Very cute! I like the small addition of border fabric between the 3-segment pinwheels in order to make everything align. I would not have thought of doing that, but now I'll put it in my memory bank (and hopefully remember) when the time comes that I need to do the same :)

Valentines, Ribbons, and Bows

I wanted to publish before the holiday and may not get this complete so will go ahead and publish for now and update later. I wanted to make...