Saturday, December 4, 2021

Christmas Corner Catch up: Last minute Ideas and Thoughtful Gifts

Still time to make Potholders for a treasured friend (see tutorial at the end)

Add some ribbon and an ornament for an elegant and festive mirror (a tip from my friend, Faith)

A Pillow makes a Thoughtful gift and is fairly quick to make (Photo at Trish's.  Her tree is so elegant!)

This charm square on point pillow is from a tutorial by the Missouri Star Quilt Company.  I also have their charm square zig zag table runner ready to quilt on which the pillow is sitting.

A couple of the ladies in my little quilting group, Sarah and Trish, also made pillows.  Aren't they lovely together?  All you need is 36 charm squares and a few more things, check out the tutorial above

This pillow is brighter and whimsical

Another idea:  Finish up something from the past to place a centerpiece upon

It's nice to take out old projects and finish them up.  I added borders and some holly and swirls, free motion quilting, in goldish thread

I started to make this 9 patch runner years ago from a tutorial by Sherri McConnell and so happy to have completed it. 

Here's one in a winter theme
A winter wonderland version with fussy cut 2 1/2" squares, ready to quilt.

For these setting triangles I had to cut a 7 inch square and cut diagonally only once so they would be going the proper direction (note: cut your square on point, so your print will be right side up)
For the corner square triangles it works to cut a 7 1/2" square two times diagonally.  You will be able to put each one in the corner so it is going the correct direction.

Close up of the fussy cut artic animals

Potholder Tutorial
Every autumn, I have enjoyed the little pumpkin potholder I made years ago.  I see some potholder tutorials you could follow but couldn't find the original tutorial I followed, so decided to make some Christmas-y ones and make them a little larger since they tend to shrink.  Here is a tutorial.

Cut your pieces (this is for TWO potholders)
(2) 7 1/4 x 1 1/4" for the top border; 
(4) 1 1/2 x 3 1/2 for the sides of the trunk; 
(4) 5 1/2 x 1 1/2" for the side borders; 
(2) 3 1/2 x 6 1/2 with right sides together, cut as shown in the picture for the sides of the tree
Tree:  Cut (2) triangles as shown (see close up below)
Trunk:  (2) 1 1/2" squares
(2) 7" squares
(4) 7 x 9 1/4" rectangles
(2) 7 x 7 1/4"
(2) 7 x 7 1/2"
Backing:  (2) 7 x 9 1/4" rectangles
Binding:  Not shown  (2) width of fabric 2 1/2" strips and (2) 2 1/2 x 7" piece for the pocket

Here's a close up of how I cut the triangles.  They are 5 inches at the bottom and a little less than 60 degrees.

You will make two parts and later place together which forms the pocket.
1.  Create the front part
Step one:  Sew the pieces together as shown here and then the top border and tree trunk together.  Trim block to 7 x 7"

 (sorry just noticed a bunch of lint, ugh)
Step 2: Layer the front, one piece of batting and the front lining and do some type of simple quilting.  Step 3:  Fold a binding piece in half, lengthwise, place binding across the top and sew raw edges to the top of the back

Step 4:  Sew the binding down to the front

Step 5:  Optional sew a little tag (mine says hand made)

Assemble the Back 
Step 6:  Sew the color squares together and then sew to the lining of the back piece 

Step 7:  Layer the 2 pieces of the batting, the backing and the piece with the colored squares and do some simple quilting

Showing the front and back of the piece in step 7

Step 8:  Baste the two pieces together

Step 9:  Bind and your potholders and they are complete!  You can place some cooking items in the pocket or maybe some fat quarters for your favorite quilter.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas!

Linking with Alycia Quilts  TGIFF and Wendy's Quilts


Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Thanks for all the great Christmas gift ideas! Your projects are lovely.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Those are some great gift ideas! Thanks for posting them.

Quilting Gail said...

Lots of Christmas cheer!
Thanks for linking to TGIFF!!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Your house looks so festive!! all your Christmas projects shine!

Valentines, Ribbons, and Bows

I wanted to publish before the holiday and may not get this complete so will go ahead and publish for now and update later. I wanted to make...