Friday, December 27, 2024

A Couple of Christmas Quilt Finishes

I started and completed this quilt within a few weeks.  Patchwork ten inch squares go together fairly quickly.  Added some borders and stripe-y binding.

Sort of a trip around the world layout

Some of the fabrics have a Christmas theme but with the blue squares, it gives it a winter-y look, so I'm going to keep it on the bed for a few weeks.  Time to make a Valentine quilt maybe?

I had made this tree with half square triangles (I think it might be a laundry basket pattern) a few years ago.  This year, I was happy to make lots of 12 1/2" star blocks to add around the border and make it queen size to make a gift for my friend.

Free motion embroidery and striped binding


After washing.  It shrunk about 5 or 6 inches.  

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Update: Sweet Valentine Quilt Complete

I finished this up last week and want to share it before February ends. I'm so happy with how it turned out. I added a red satin heart. ...