Monday, January 6, 2014

Looking forward to TWO Block of the Month Quilt Alongs

I decided to try something new and join in two.  They are both free and the blocks are cute and fun! 
Here  is my January block for Sew Kitschy

Here are the fabrics I'll be using for this project.
 This one is called Sew Kitschy by Kristy at her blog, Quiet Play, and they are retro kitchen blocks.

Sew Kitschy
Also I'm linking up with Kristy because she's having a linky party for everyone who is participating so you might want to check out the others! 

 Here are some cherry fabrics that I got at JoAnne's tonight.  They're 40% off and I had an extra 25% off coupon!  They'd be so cute in a block of the month or for an apron, etc.!

This is the other one, called Blogger Girls Block of the Month II and you can find the info. here at Open Gate Blog

Blogger Girls Block of the Month II - Free Quilt Along
I haven't made the block for this one yet.  This photo doesn't do the blocks justice and there are several bloggers doing their own versions so you can see different color combos, so I encourage you to check that out.

I also want to give credit to Julie the Crafty Quilter because she featured all sorts of BOMs and Quilt Alongs on her Sew Thankful Sunday post and I'm linking that here in case you'd like to check that out and that's where I found the two BOMs I'm joining.


Kristy @ Quiet Play said...

Glad you're joining in - it should be fun! Love your first block - such sweet fabrics!

Alison V. said...

Your block looks great! Can't wait to see more!

Anonymous said...

That stack of fabrics is lovely - it's going to look brilliant as all the blocks get added, can't wait to see! :)

Carrie P. said...

your oven mitts turned out really cute.

Julie @ The Crafty Quilter said...

Good for you, Sheri! I love both of those BOM's that you're doing, but I'm only going to join the one at Open Gate. The aqua and red/pink fabrics that you're using are beautiful!

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Your fabric choices are my favorite so far.

legato1958 said...

Yay for joining the Sew Kitschy with us!! I LOVE your fabrics! This first block is really pretty!

I will enjoy doing the blocks "with you! this year. And watching your Blogger Girls blocks!

Oh, I signed up for one of the other BoM's that Julie C pointed out.... The Paper Piecing Vintage at Sew Hooked! She is an enabler !! lol

Have a great year sewing!
I have so enjoyed becoming your friend and being inspired by your talent, Sheri!


Jeneta said...

I LOVE your fabric choices for the Sew Kitschy block!

Jean C. said...

O.K., so I've been looking at your block since you first posted... and sorry about this; I just wasn't sure what it was? So today I finally thought, hmmm go check out the site she is doing the block of the month. And now I know... sorry, I just kept thinking, I know it's going to slap me in the face when I find out! Yep, consider me slapped! Lol...
Oh, and I do love the cute dog in the last post... soooo dang cute! I like how you pointed the ears too. I may have to get busy...
Thanks for sharing.
Jean C.

Update: Sweet Valentine Quilt Complete

I finished this up last week and want to share it before February ends. I'm so happy with how it turned out. I added a red satin heart. ...