Saturday, January 4, 2014

Quilted patchwork Scottie Dogs

I spent much of yesterday making quilt block parts and ended up with three completed blocks by 10:30 last night.  Got the idea from Carolyn Forster (see next picture with link to her blog).  Except I made my dogs have pointy ears and tail.  I think I'll sash them similar to hers also.
I used 2 inch squares and the blocks turned out to be 12 1/2" unfinished.  I'm going to make 9 (3x3) and maybe make the little stuffed dog too!  And hopefully this will make it to my cousin's little grand baby soon!

Have you seen this cute little quilt made by Carolyn Forster, while perusing quilt blogs or Pinterest?

I've added the borders, but need to get some backing for this.  I plan to try and get a little more creative with my machine quilting.

Also, I thought I'd show you this picture of the purple quilt on the bed with the filtered afternoon light coming in. The grayish purples can be very calming and good for a bedroom.

Lastly, have you begun the new year with some exercise?  I went for a 1 1/2 mile walk yesterday and today, a 10 mile bicycle ride out to a wildlife preserve.  About half way there, I wished I'd brought my camera or GoPro.  I'll have to bring it next time and want to do some posts like that for motivation for me (and maybe you too)!


DeAnna said...

I love your puppies! I like the pointed ears option too. The borders are your quilt are awesome. Very happy colors!

Gina Loomis said...

I've seen the stuffed Scottie but not the quilt block version. It's so cute and I love your pointed ear and tail variation. The purple quilt is beautiful!

Happy New Year!

One New and Some Finishing up Projects. First completed Project of the Year!  I started and completed this patchwork quilt in about a week, ...