Saturday, January 31, 2015

2015 Free Motion Quilting Challenge from Quilt Shop Gal

When I saw the pretty pillows people were making for the challenge, it got me motivated to take this challenge! 
 If you click on the pictures you'll go to the individual blogs of these participants.

I sketched out some ideas and then used a Frixion marker which "erases" with heat (ironing) to mark my fabric.  

I began to FMQ.

I was so excited to do some FMQ so I could iron it  and erase the marks to see how it looked.
I pressed the heart and feathers in the center with a hot iron.  The material is polyester and luckily it didn't scorch but it got very flat.  You can see that I stopped pressing any more to avoid that flat look.
After finishing up the FMQ -- a rose bud and leaf/vine motif at each corner, some feathers at each side, some cross hatching and small stippling for the background fill in, I rinsed it out in water and threw it in the dryer.
This did help to unflatten the fabric and batting and pop up the feathers in the heart a bit and the heat of the dryer erased away most of the blue frixion pen marks.  For the remainder of the marks, I carefully took the point of the iron and carefully ran it over the rest of the blue marks.
I thought about adding little white beads or crystals (displayed) to the cross hatching, but decided to wait until my skill is a little better before going to the extra work.
Here's the finished pillow.

I'm so glad for Quilt Shop Gal's challenge for incentive to practice and also her instructions and links to Experts in the field who offer tutorials, advice, and books on the subject.
 I'm linking up with Quilt Shop Gal.  Stop by to see the many other beautiful FMQ projects!

Also linking up with Crazy Mom Quilts.

Friday, January 30, 2015

January Quilt Alongs

With only a couple days left to finish up my January blocks for my quilt alongs, I've been busy.

Zoo Animals Quilt Along from Kristie at Quiet Play
Drop by Kristie's blog to get this pattern free through the end of January.

Flamingo Block made with Batiks
The Not So Last Minute Quilt Along, re-hosted by Cathy at A Quilting Chick features:  Trees for January.
Did you have one of those white or metallic trees back in the 60's (or was it the 70's)?  Someone recently told me that they rapidly lost popularity when the Charlie Brown Christmas special cherished Charlie Brown's sweet little tree.
 This block is reminiscent and nostalgic of a magical time (childhood at Christmas).
My mom bought a lovely white tree and decorated it with pink and gold glass ball ornaments.  Oh my it was beautiful!
Here's my second Modern Tradition Charm Square Quilt Along block:

Snapshots Quilt Along
 A great opportunity to receive a darling pattern and support St. Jude's Children's Hospital with a $5 (or more) donation. Still need to work on this one.

Quilt Shop Gal (formerly SewCal Gal) 2015 Free Motion Quilting Challenge  After seeing some of the work the quilters are linking up, I decided to take this challenge.  
This is a great idea because if it turns out well, you've not only practiced and hopefully improved your skills, but you'll also have something wonderful to keep or give away.  Here I've used a frixion pen to draw on a design that after quilting, can be "erased" by ironing it.
Linking up with Crazy Mom Quilts. Quiet Play, Modern Tradition Quilts, and A Quilting Chick

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Christmas Corner January 2015

Welcome to Christmas Corner-- a place to share Christmas designs on the 25th of each month!  At the start of a new year, it's important to check which UFO's to complete and plan some quilt alongs and other quilting projects to begin.  Here's a mini parade of my Christmas UFOs.
Presents around a tree.  Lost motivation to complete this because it's a little boring-- maybe a large red border would help?

Snow balled blocks destined to become snow man faces.  Pinwheels made as the corners were snowballed and the triangles cut away.

Little houses need completing, to go around the red, green, and white patchwork.

Missouri Star Disappearing Hour glass blocks in red, white, and gray.

Disappearing Hourglass block  (Link to the Missouri Star Tutorial)

Patchwork Christmas stars.  I'm looking forward to work on these some more.

If you've visited  recently, you know I've spent much time working to finish two 2014 Quilt Doodle BOM's
Second Quilt Doodle BOM quilt along quilt from 2014-- still in process.
The Santa and reindeer are my own creation and addition to this quilt.  I've prepared some cutting instructions so you can add this design to one of your projects.  Note:  Many of the pieces are very small-- I used batik fabric which has a very tight weave and doesn't shift around much with cutting, pressing, and manipulating and that made it possible for me to construct these blocks with relative ease.  I suspect using other fabric might be a nightmare.
This diagram is for reference but use the measurements from the next color coded diagram since I've made some corrections.

The diagram is color coded to help with cutting, organizing, and sewing together the sections.  Note:  Untested and may contain errors.  If you find errors, need further instructions or have suggestions, let me know.
One completed project for January-- the Quilt Doodle BOM

Keep Christmas in your heart year round by working on Christmas projects! 

Linking up with Crazy Mom Quilts

The Quilt Doodle Block of the Month for 2014 Blog Hop

Last week I blogged about my first completed quilt for 2015, which is my Quilt Doodle Block of the month quilt.  I had a lot of fun making this quilt month by month last year and really appreciate Cindy's (of Quilt Doodle Designs) talent and generosity in sharing her tutorials and hosting the quilt along!  Don''t leave yet if you've seen it already, because I have something special to show you!

But I forgot about saving it for the Blog Hop.
Since I had started two for this quilt along, I decided to try and complete the second one for something new to show for the Hop!

So I sewed the little tree on Monday.

Then I worked for a few days and finished up the row of hot cocoa cups.
And as I sewed I pondered what to do to make this quilt a little different.  It's already a little different because it's made with mostly batik fabric and the little houses are totally different.

But still, I wanted to do something else different.  Since I made this reindeer pillow in November, I've been wanting to make a Santa and flying reindeer.
On Wednesday, I got out some graph paper and started planning.
I doodled a reindeer and sleigh.
On Thursday I made the first reindeer prototype and was pleased.
 Today, actually yesterday since it's past midnight at this point...
I cut out all sorts of little pieces and started sewing....
I made 3 more reindeer and a Santa on a full moon...
I wanted the reindeer to look like they are flying, so sewed borders to get this effect.  Unfortunately, I ran out of fabric and so each side has a bit of patchwork.

Here you can sort of see the zig zagged reins that Santa is using to guide the reindeer.

At this point I had to call it quits for now.  I have a puppy who will wake me up at six a.m.  And so I am happy I was able to get a lot accomplished, even though I didn't get it finished.  You can't see, but the row of hockey skates is sewn to the bottom of the snowmen and of course, those poor snowmen are blind but hoping to get them some eyes soon!
Be sure to stop by and see many wonderful Quilt Doodle Block of the Month Quilts by other participants.  Here's the schedule:
January 24th 
January 25th 
January 26th
Linking up with Crazy Mom Quilts.
Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Quilt Doodle Blog Hop, 2015 Quilt Alongs, a finished block, and a BAD group

The 2014 Quilt Doodle Doodle BOM Blog Hop is Coming! 
Here's the Hop Schedule:
January 24th 
January 25th 
January 26th
Jill - Hosted by Quilt Doodles
 Since I forgot how these hops work, I already posted about my completed Quilt Doodle quilt, but luckily, I have another quilt in process for the same BOM that I'm going to work on so hopefully I'll have something new to show you on the 24th.  I'm looking forward to seeing all the hard work and everyone's special touches!

Are you joining any quilt alongs for 2015.  I loved the ones I participated in last year.  Here's my list:
1. Shannon at Modern Tradition-- Charm Square Sampler quilt along
Charm Square Sampler Quilt Along 
2.  Cathy of A quilting Chick --The Not so last minute Christmas Quilt Along
3.  Kristie at Quiet Play's Zoo Animals

4.  Fat Quarter's Snap Shot quilt along

Here's my first block for the Charm Square Sampler Quilt along.
I'm using some fabrics I have and some squares from a Josephine-- French General Layer Cake, which I then cut into 5" charm squares.  .

Lastly, have you heard about the BAD group?  Amanda, the Patchsmith, has started this BAD group (block a day).  Isn't that a good bad idea?  I think so!   Flicker page here.

Double Irish Chain Completed on March 17th

Where did the time go?  I thought I'd published this but must've forgotten. Quilted and bound. Before quilting and binding Also comp...