Thursday, January 15, 2015

More Pillows and some scrappy triangles

More pillows!

I saw a darling LOVE pillow made by MochaWildChild here and just had to make one too.
She found the free pattern by Kelbysews here.

Here it is before being sewn into the pillow cover.

I like sewing my own pillows and then I don't have to worry about what size I make the pillow cover.    This holly fabric came in handy to make a pillow form since I wasn't crazy about it.

Two buttons on the back match the "L" and the "V"
 Quite a while back, I was making some pink and white quilt blocks for my sister because she loves pink and she loves cats.  

The tessellating design got the better of me and I stalled on production and couldn't get back to it.  I decided to make pillows instead (I have one more block to make into another pillow cover)
Here it is flipped around.  (sorry for the blurred picture)

Here you can see the lovely model who posed for the embroidered little cat faces.  She has claimed the pillow top and production is again stalled.

She seems pretty attached to this project.
Here's the light pink pillow to go inside the tessellating cats pillow cover.

Here's the back of the pillow cover.

A little pile of HST's of varying sizes.  I spent a little time sewing, pressing, trimming and/or just stacking and packaging up by size.
  I can't seem to just throw away these little triangle scraps and it's a pain except when I get them somewhat sorted and organized and hopefully sometime in the future they will be part of something wonderful!!
Thanks for stopping by!


Jayne said...

Beautiful pillows! Love the cute!

Kate said...

Love the cat blocks and your model! :)

SuperMomNoCape said...

Both pillows turned out lovely. But my favorite is the cat pillow. I may have to see if I can figure out the block to make one for our middle daughter for a Valentine's Day gift.

Marla aka YaYa said...

Love the pink kitties. Did you have a pattern?

Maggie said...

Lovely pillows! Do you have a pattern/ tutorial for the cats? X

legato1958 said...

What a lovely post, complete with a beautiful little model and the beautiful pillows!
I have never seen the tessellating cats design.
I love your pillow backs with the buttons, too. So stylish!

Terri Ann @ said...

I love your tessalated cat pillow. I am making pillows all year as gifts for people to try out different sewing and quilting techniques without filling my own home with pillows and I was just sketching up a cat pillow for a friend with a February birthday. If I hadn't already formulated that plan I totally would have been deconstructing that pillow :) Wonderful job on all!

Valentines, Ribbons, and Bows

I wanted to publish before the holiday and may not get this complete so will go ahead and publish for now and update later. I wanted to make...