Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Winter Blues Blog Hop and More!

I'm so happy to join a fabulous group of quilters for the Winter Blues Blog Hop.

What could be nicer than joining in on the Winter Blues Blog Hop?   Completing your Winter Blues table topper AND looking at your topper, out your window, onto a Winter Blues Wonderland!

Close up of snowflake and swirls quilting on completed topper (still need to bind)

Star Burst Tutorial from the Missouri Star Quilt Company  Basically take two 10" squares (background and a color), place right sides together, sew around the perimeter, slice in half diagonally twice, to get four half square triangles. I made 100 HSTs (25 for each quadrant).   Mine turns out to be about 56" square.

topper ready to quilt

Other Winter Blue Projects:
Winter full moon painting

Winter Blue Snowflake table topper Gift (from the Snow Flake Sew Along)
Blues Log cabin and birds with tutorial

Blues Starry Night 
A Spring time Blues project.  This was a tutorial by the Crafty Quilter.  Quilt Along 1st week link with tutorial is here.  My original post for this project is here.
  Be sure to stop by the other blogs to get a bigger dose of Winter Blues (the good kind) and leave a sweet comment to warm their hearts!  
Wednesday, January 22nd

Karen's Korner
Made By Marney
Podunk Pretties

Sunshine in the Attic 

Find the rest of the schedule by clicking HERE

Thanks so much for stopping by!
P.S.  To my fellow hop bloggers:  Although I am posting comments to your blogs, there are only a small percent that actually publish for some reason.  But I am thoroughly loving to see your beautiful and creative projects!

Double Irish Chain Completed on March 17th

Where did the time go?  I thought I'd published this but must've forgotten. Quilted and bound. Before quilting and binding Also comp...