Thursday, February 25, 2021

Christmas Corner February 2021

Merry Christmas Corner!

I completed one and made progress on one project from the Jumpstart on Christmas Five Day sew along from last fall, which was a fundraiser by Sara Diepersloot of the Modern Quilter to help victims of the fire in the Santa Cruz mountains.

The finished project is a cute table runner with three focal squares in a square in an off set square, which gives it that Modern flair.

Close up you can see some of the quilting.

I love this pattern and will make it again one of these days!

On the second project, I completed all the trees, sewed them all together and added borders

This pattern by Sara is called A Walk in the Forest

Do you like this striped binding or do you think it would be better with the final border fabric as the binding?

Little Santa pillow with a pocket in the back for a gift card.  Tutorial here.

Mini Nordic Quilt:  Tutorial by the Crafty Quilter

This is such a great mini quilt and is both Christmas-y, lovely for Valentine's Day and even a lovely addition to my house to go with my red décor!  My original post from 2014 is here with lots of pictures and some by others who made this project.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Scrappy Valentine's in a Square

I wanted to make some Valentine blocks for February  (Note my inspiration came from Edyta Sitar's Quilters Dozen Sweethearts, which are precut and ready to sew)

 If you want to make your own scrappy ones, take out some scraps because it doesn't take much and it doesn't take long.  Of course I used red and pink with low volume backgrounds, but would also be cute in all colors.
For each block you will need:
3 x 4"
4 x 6 1/2" rectangles
7 3/8 squares (could use two 5 1/2");
3" square;
2 3/4" square (could use two 2" squares)  
Note:  I put the alternative sizes in case your scraps are smaller.

Cut the 7 3/8" large square and the 2 3/4" squares diagonally twice (if using the 5 1/2 and 2" squares, cut diagonally ONCE)

To snowball the corners, lay the small triangles as shown so there's a 1/4" dog ear hanging off the fabric as shown

Trim off the heart fabric as shown and stitch together with right sides together (note to save time, you could use these as templates to trim other heart sections)

Trim the large heart section to 4 x 6 1/2" and the small heart section to 3 x 4".  Sew the 3" square to the small heart section and trim to 4 x 6 1/2"

Now sew the two heart sections together and trim the heart to 6 1/2"

Now to put your Valentine in a square
I placed a tiny mark in the center (3 1/4") of each side of the heart blocks and made a fold in the corner square triangle so I could match the centers and sew right sides together.

Square your blocks up to 9".  Before you know it, you'll have a flock of Valentines!

If you didn't want to put your Valentine's in a square, you could add some sashing and cornerstones

I was thinking of making some of the Valentine's with red and pink backgrounds (second from the top on the right) but then just decided to stick with the low volumes.

Now to get back to work on my scrappy trees!

Sunday, February 7, 2021

A Finish and Getting back to PINK and RED!

Sewed a 4" border of background fabric on this table topper started last year and will sew a 2" red border on next and should complete it by next week.

At first I was going to use all the same red dot swiss background and add the same sashing as Edyta (see link below) has in one of her layouts.

Then I saw an applique design, also of Edyta's, but with different backgrounds so decided to put my pieced hearts in a square and add a variety of backgrounds.

Finished this Mini quilt to hang with my sign.  It's 13 1/4" square.

I was working on shamrocks (Cluck Cluck Sew's Clover pattern, which uses heart shapes too) and then saw Edyta Sitar's Quilter's Dozen Sweethearts and fell in LOVE with the pretty colors and designs she has!  SEW I decided to switch from green to red and pink hearts.  I have lots of romantic fabrics, so what a great way to used up some of what I have!

I'll get back to these next month.

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Teaching my Niece to Quilt

She's 26, in love with quilts, and wants to be a quilter!

First project:  A mug rug using this printed fabric that looks like tiny patchwork.  She used the walking foot to quilt along every other row.  So cute, right?

Her little cutie!

Second Project:  Patchwork Bear

Drew a bear shape and sewed some patchwork squares together and quilted with diagonal lines.

I'm so lucky to share my love of quilting with my niece!  What will she want to make next?  She has cut out and sewing together floral squares to make another bear, all on her own, so far!

Linking up with My Quilt Infatuation
                        and Alycia Quilts

Double Irish Chain Completed on March 17th

Where did the time go?  I thought I'd published this but must've forgotten. Quilted and bound. Before quilting and binding Also comp...