Saturday, March 13, 2021

Last Minute Scrappy, St. Patrick's Day, Mini Wall Hanging with Tutorial

With St. Patricks Day just a few days away, here's a little project to complete in a day.

Started last night and completed today.

The plan was to make a shamrock but as I started laying out the squares and triangles, I saw a heart appear and then there were four hearts!  Can you see them?

Here's the tutorial in case you want to make one too.
Lay out your (20) two inch, green squares, (9) two inch background and (8) two inch half square triangles (HSTs).  Note:  I made my HSTs with a 3 1/2" square of green and background sewn together around the perimeter and then sliced diagonally twice which gives you four.

You will also need setting triangles and corner square triangles.  Make setting triangles by cutting a 3 1/2" square diagonally twice from background fabric.  Make four setting triangles (the corner ones) are 2 1/2" squares cut diagonally once.

Start sewing into sections as shown

Square up to 11 1/2".  Ready for borders.

Add any size borders you like.  Mine are 1 3/4 x 11 1/2" with 1 3/4" corner stones.  Quilt as desired.

I quilted it with diagonal lines along the seams and some swirls in some of the white squares and along the border.  Ready for binding.

BEFORE sewing on the binding, Don't forget to add some triangles on the back for ease of hanging!

To hang on a little quilt stand or on a dowel (which will hang easily on the wall, from a push pin) make two 3 1/2" squares and fold diagonally and pin the raw edges to upper corners before binding (I took the photo afterwards).  When you bind the quilt, the triangles will be sewn into place.


PaintedThread said...

Very cute. I like the way you quilted it, too.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Thanks for the tutorial for your super cute quilt!! I could have used your little reminder last week. I forgot to add hanging corners to my PQ12.5 challenge entry! :o((

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Super Cute! and just in time!

Lobstermama64 said...

Thank you sew much for the 3 1/2” square hint. It will certainly be a time saver.

Double Irish Chain Completed on March 17th

Where did the time go?  I thought I'd published this but must've forgotten. Quilted and bound. Before quilting and binding Also comp...