Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Making Labels Using Freezer Paper with tutorial

Update:   Please be advised to observe copyright laws.

Do you label your quilts?  Some of the things we make will last for a hundred years or more and end up in someone's possession who might wonder who made it!  Those with a label will be cherished even more!  Here are a couple labels I've made recently with freezer paper.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Crumb Catcher in Halloween Fabrics

It's almost October 31st and almost time to put away the Halloween Fabrics!   I wanted to make at least one more project using them.
This will make a nice gift along with a jar of cookie mix topped with a little piece of Halloween Fabric! 

Don't you just love Halloween colors?

I quilted the center star with swirly lines and geometric lines for the perimeter.   Happy Halloween!  P.S.  You can find the tutorial for this crumb catcher at:  http://thecraftyquilter.com/2013/10/christmas-once-a-month-cookie-plate-crumb-catcher/

Friday, October 25, 2013


I followed Julie the Crafty Quilter's tutorial to make this "Cookie Plate Crumb Catcher".  I also made another mix in a jar, for making banana bread.

 Here's a link to Julie's tutorial:  http://thecraftyquilter.com/2013/10/christmas-once-a-month-cookie-plate-crumb-catcher/
The jarred mixes are very handy and easy and quick to make a treat to enjoy or give away!
Here are some labels you can copy and use for your own treats if you'd like to.

Banana Bread label

Add these ingredients into the jar for making banana bread:
1.  1 cup flour mixed with 1/2 tsp baking soda and 1/4 tsp salt (optional)
2.  1/2 cup sugar
3. 1/2 cup nuts.  (Note:  the jar will not be completely full)
Place a piece of waxed paper over the opening and then the jar lid.  Place a 5 inch square of fabric and tie it on with raffia. Use a glue stick to apply the label.  Makes a small loaf.
A couple of things:  I put 1/2 white and 1/2 brown sugar in the jar I have displayed to make it prettier.  Also, if you didn't put the nuts in the jar, you would have room to double the recipe, which would make it a full loaf-- if you do this, don't forget to change the "Directions" to double the ingredients to be added.
Next project: a candle holder and candle mat. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Free Motion Quilting Tips

One of my complaints when I free motion quilt on my small sewing machine, is that I can't see well.  To remedy that I've put an extra light that I can shine onto the sewing machine bed and that is definitely helpful.  

But the other day I thought, can I tilt the whole sewing machine and acrylic extension table forward to increase my visibility?  And I did and it's better!

I put my KIS essential oil box under one foot.  Note:  I put 2 drops of the lavender oil in my spray water bottle and as I spray the fabric and iron, I enjoy some aromatherapy as well as my quilting projects!

I thought I'd show you how the afternoon sun comes into my attic room and you can see I've put up a few fall wall hangings up too!  And you can also see how the machine bed and table are tilting forward.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Candy Corn Table Runner with a Word Search and Tutorial!

Isn't Candy Corn a great addition to your fall decor?  Would you like to make a candy corn table runner?

 This is what you need:
1.  White (or cream color), yellow, and orange strips 3 3/4" wide width of the fabric (WOF) Note:  I used two different oranges and 2 different yellows.
2.  Strips of border and sashing fabric 3" wide x WOF x 3
3.   Piece of fabric for the sides 6 1/2 x 10 "  and 2 strips 2 x 10" (not shown)
4.  Backing and batting 15" x 40"  (not shown)
5.  Binding (2" x WOF) x 3 (not shown)

1.  2. 3.

 Sew the yellow, orange and white fabrics together

  Trim off the 1st part and discard or save to make a pinwheel.
I used a regular ruler and lined up the bottom with the 60 degree (circled in pink) line (has pink arrows pointing to it).  Note:  Since the end piece I cut off is only half, I think it's technically a 30 degree angle.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Homemade Quilted Gifts

I went to New York a couple of weeks ago and visited two cousins who I hadn't seen in a long time.  I made these fall table toppers as gifts for them.  I used the free Winter Wonderland Table Topper tutorial from SarahRose Quilts.

The tutorial is very easy to follow and the table topper is relatively quick to make.  You can see I used similar fall fabrics but changed it a bit so they wouldn't be exactly alike.

I also made these cute pot holders and sent them off as part of a birthday gift.

Dying Fabric using a Tea Bag

I bought this ombre fabric but the stark white vines didn't sit well with me.  I decided to try dying the fabric with tea.  I used the large tea bag in the picture which is made for making a pitcher of iced tea.

I boiled a couple quarts of water in a big pot and added the tea bag and let it steep for about 10 minutes.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Gifts for a Baby Shower

I have a baby shower to attend tomorrow night.  I've been making baby quilts for all the new babies at church.  I had this E-I-E-I-O remnant and some pale blue fabric and made a Zig Zag baby quilt and decided to make a matching diaper bag too!  The finished diaper/tote bag is 11 1/2"tall x 9"wide x 5" deep.

The quilt is made with charms squares and the bag is made with 6 charm squares on each side and the bottom piece is 14 x 12".  The lining is gray.  Tote bags are amazingly quick and easy to make.

I'll tie the quilt in a bundle with a bit of raffia and I have some baby bath and lotion and a gift card to add to the bag too.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Crow in the Pumpkin Patch

I made this table runner when I was thinking about what to make for my quilts in the pumpkin patch blog hop.
I showed the back in a sneak peak a while back.

Little Pumpkin Patch

I made a little burnt orange pumpkin, and placed it in a patch with some of my glass pumpkins.  I used some metalic fabric and wanted to show you!  You can make one too if you follow the tutorial!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Little Pumpkin Pin Cushion Tutorial

Hello!  This little pumpkin is a pin cushion and here is a tutorial since, Astrid, the winner of the pumpkin pin cushion kit, will need it to complete her pin cushion.  You may want to make one too since these can double as cute decorations! 

  1. You need 8 leaf shapes.  See the pic. for size which is 5 1/8" x 2 ".  You can draw this "leaf" shape for your pattern.  Use a variety of fabrics in coordinating colors.
 2.  Group the 8 leaf shapes into 4 pairs. 

3.  Place right sides together and sew along one side
4.  Here are the four pairs with the seam sewn along one side.

Double Irish Chain Completed on March 17th

Where did the time go?  I thought I'd published this but must've forgotten. Quilted and bound. Before quilting and binding Also comp...