Thursday, March 17, 2022

Happy St. Patrick's Day


Irish Projects; a Couple Done, Some Still in Process

St. Patrick's Day Pillows

My daughter made this water color of trout and glued them on green glitter paper.  You can see the empty shamrock wire, that still needs more strips tied on.

I made this little topper long ago and am so happy to complete it with light green binding.

I showed this topper and many other items in the previous post with links to where to find free instructions.

Silk flowers are really pretty!

Machine Quilted

I am hand quilting the top mini quilt.  I love it but so time consuming!

UPDATE:  Here's another couple projects I made in 2023 and I have a tutorial for you.
I made these pillows using my tutorial for the shamrock block. 

Friday, March 4, 2022

St. Patty's Day Pinwheels and More

Hurray, it's time to sew with green fabrics!  Have you seen Leap Year? (such a great romantic movie!  Set in Ireland, so fits with March, as well as February.)

I took out some old projects, unfinished ones and tied some green ribbon on my carousel horse made by my friend, Donna long ago.  

I found this wire shamrock at the $1.25 store.  Here's my Heart wreath post with link to the tutorial.

 I doodled some ideas for new projects.  Here's a tutorial for the mini, Celtic Knot wall hanging

I recently made this scrappy St. Patty's Day Pinwheel pillow cover, using this mini quilt tutorial here.

The Shamrock table topper was made using this tutorial

I added some free motion quilting to this pillow cover, I made years ago.  See the free, paper pieced, shamrock, template.  I improvised and left a petal off on two of the shamrocks.

This little shamrock was also made using the template mentioned above, a long time ago.  I added a border and love to see it hanging on the tiny quilt stand

Recently, I added free motion quilting and binding to the mini shamrock.  I used the wonder clips to hand sew the binding down which I don't usually do and wondered how people can actually hand sew down binding on a large quilt!  My friends say it is relaxing and they enjoy it, but it takes practice.

I started making more of these double Irish chain blocks.  I have a layout of how to make the blocks in this post.

Linking up with Alycia Quilts

Here's a link to a post with lots more St. Patrick's Day projects and I'll be back soon with more.

Double Irish Chain Completed on March 17th

Where did the time go?  I thought I'd published this but must've forgotten. Quilted and bound. Before quilting and binding Also comp...